Haters to Lovers Part 2

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Emma's POV: Why did I agree to go with Jenna? She's practically dragging me and walking at a fast pace. I don't know why she wants to apologize all of a sudden, she's never apologized for the things she's said in the past. So why does she have the urge to make up for everything all of a sudden?

Jenna's POV: I'm walking at an extremely rapid pace. I need to show Emma that I'm very truly sorry for everything that I've said and done. I need to earn her trust again. I broke it, as well as her heart.

Emma's POV: Once we got to her door, Jenna opened the door as fast as she could and grabbed my hand. I liked the feeling of her hand on mine, it was comforting. She turned around and closed the door and led me to the dining room.
"Emma. I know you're confused right now but I just need a little bit of your time to explain myself." She said staring at me. I nodded.
"I didn't mean what I said to you the other day. I know I broke our trust, and I know you cared for me. And I just left in thin air. I know I said something permanently hurtful and that wasn't right of me just because I felt temporarily upset." She said. I could tell she really meant it. But I was trying to hide my emotions.
"It's fine. It doesn't matter anymore." I said, trying my best to keep my face emotionless.
"If it still makes you cry, it still matters." Jenna said, looking at my face. I didn't realize that tears were coming down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away. I could tell Jenna was starting to tear up too. We stayed there in silence for a moment.
"I know I made you feel like you were worthless." She said sadly.
"No, I was good enough, but you made me believe I wasn't." I said looking into her dark eyes. Jenna started crying. I've never seen her this upset before.
"I'm sorry." She mumbled as tears kept escaping her eyes. I leaned in to give her a hug, but she backed away.
"I feel terrible because I haven't been there for you. It hurts because I care now." Jenna said wiping her tears.
"Don't act like you care. If you really did, you wouldn't have done what you did Jenna." I said harshly.
"I tried my hardest for you Jenna. And yet, I'm still not good enough for you." She was trying to squelch her sobs.
"Your apology needs to be as loud as your disrespect was." I felt bad saying this, but it's what she needed.
"You don't understand Emma. I know my words won't change anything, but all I can do is to be a better person to you in the future. I know that I can't be let back into your heart. I know that I probably won't be able to fix our trust, but I realize now what I did wrong, and I'm willing to do anything to try again to build what we had." Jenna said sincerely. She was being honest. Her eyes are dilated, looking straight into my eyes. We both stared at each other for a while. She walked closer to me and embraced me in a hug. All of her built up tears came out into sobs. She kept mumbling apologies to me. We were both crying messes, holding each other tightly, not wanting to let go. I started sobbing now. Jenna whispered comforting words to me, trying to help.
"Shut up." I said, still hugging her. Not in a mean way, just in a "I want this moment to last forever don't ruin it" kind of way. We were there for a long time, it felt like years went by.
Jenna's POV: I wanted to let Emma pull away whenever she was ready. I wanted to show her that I cared for her, and that I want to make her as comfortable as possible.
"I know you care for me Jenna. I know that you can change and be a better person. You may have lost our trust, but I will never lose faith in you. You're a good person deep in your heart, you just need someone to bring it out of you." Emma said, slightly giggling.
"Maybe you can be the person to bring out the good in me." I said nervously. She put her hand on my shoulder, smiling at me.
"And from now on, any event you invite me to, I will always go. It doesn't matter where, I will be there for you, whenever, wherever." I said with a smile. I think I'm in love with this girl.
"I forgive you Jenna. I know you can fix the band we had." Emma said. I then grabbed her hand and led her upstairs to my room.
"We can just stay here if that's okay with you?" I said.
"That would be nice. Thank you Jenna, for everything. We're a mess you and I, but you captivate me in ways no one ever will." Emma said, smiling sweetly at me. We fell asleep for a while, just enjoying the feeling in each other's arms.

A Jenna Ortega and Emma Myers Love Story Where stories live. Discover now