Meeting Emma

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Jenna's POV:
I've been casted as the lead role for a show on Netflix. I had to move away from my family. I won't get to see them for who knows how long. I'm excited to see who I'm gonna be working with.
Emma's POV:
I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I hope the people I work with are nice. I live by myself most of the time. I'll invite some friends once in a while, but that's about it. My mom and dad are kinda out of the picture, but I don't mind it.
Jenna's POV:
I drove to the set for about 20 minutes. We got our hotels booked for the whole time that we're gonna film. We're gonna meet the people that we are sharing the rooms with.
After about 30 minutes of waiting, I finally got a text from the director saying that we can meet everyone. First, I met some guys. They were nice, and cool. One of the guys kept trying to talk to me a little too much, but I wasn't interested, I'm not into guys anyway. I met the director and some of the tech guys. Everything seemed normal and cool, until I saw this girl. She was gorgeous. I saw her talking to some of the guys on set. She's probably into guys though, she would never be into girls, especially someone like me. I'm too shy and appear standoff-ish to people. I wish I was more likable and outgoing like her. Maybe that's why I don't have many friends. I worked up the courage to go and talk to her when she was alone.
Emma's POV:
I was standing in a corner on my phone behind the set after meeting the cast, until this girl came up to me and introduced herself to me. I didn't even see her at first, but she was so beautiful. The most stunning girl I've ever seen. And SHE came up to ME.
"Hey, I'm Jenna by the way. I wanted to introduce myself." Jenna said very awkwardly.
"Oh hi! I'm Emma, nice to meet you!" Emma said very enthusiastically, almost too excited.
"I was just about to go get something to eat, do you want to come with me Jenna?" Emma was hoping Jenna would say yes.
"Oh yeah of course, I would love to." Jenna said. Jenna was so happy. Emma led Jenna to her car and opened the door for her. She was wondering if that was a little too weird. Jenna liked it though. Emma drove to a pizza place while asking Jenna questions about her. She couldn't stop thinking about how good Jenna looked while in the passenger seat.
They eventually arrived after about 10 minutes of making small talk with each other. Emma opened the door to the restaurant for Jenna, following behind her. They were discussing about what they were gonna get. After about 5 minutes Emma let Jenna go first, and then Emma went. They both pulled out their cards to pay, but Emma insisted on paying. Jenna kept denying it, but decided that she didn't want to hold up the line, so she let Emma pay.
"Next one's on me." Jenna said.
"I won't let you." Emma said smirking, looking into Jenna's eyes. Jenna had never felt like this with anyone. Yeah, she's had crushes in the past, but nothing like what Emma made her feel.

A Jenna Ortega and Emma Myers Love Story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora