Best Friends Part 3 (Mature)

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Emma's POV: I woke up pretty early in the morning. I heard Jenna shuffling around in the living room. That's odd. She's never up this early, and why is she moving so much. I got up slowly and quietly to see what was going on. I made my way to the living room and snuck behind the wall, peaking my head over to see. What I saw in a way? She was jerking off on the couch. Of all places. I heard her softly whimpering and breathing heavily here and there. A part of me wanted to interrupt her and do it for her. But we're nothing but fuck buddies. I continued to observe her, I'm assuming she thinks I'm still asleep. I never wake up this early. But why couldn't she just do it in her own room? The tip of her cock glistened with precum. My mouth started watering at the sight of her. Those veins were popping out as she stroked herself faster. I felt myself throbbing in arousal.

Jenna's POV: I was so horny so early in the morning. I couldn't help myself but to jerk off at such a random time. I kept thinking about Emma the whole time. Imagining it was her hand on my dick. I missed those smooth soft hands of hers on my skin. A part of me wishes I never told her we were just best friends because we're not. I gripped the pillow beside me as I felt myself closer to my release. I so desperately wish Emma was here to finish me off. I threw my head back in pleasure. In the corner of my eye I saw someone's head peaking over the wall. I turned my head all the way and saw that it was Emma.
"Emma!" I half shouted. I quickly pulled up my boxers and looked back over to her.
"Sorry!" She said running back to her room. I felt so embarrassed, but she's seen my body so many times. Maybe it's the fact that she saw me do it in front of her. I got up and started walking to her room. I knocked once on her door and opened it.
"Hey I'm sorry you had to see that." I said flatly, leaning against the doorframe.
"No, it's okay. We all have urges sometimes." She said softly. I saw Emma's cheeks turn a light shade of pink. I chuckled quietly to myself, a bit embarrassed, and walked out of her room.
Emma's POV: I keep replaying Jenna pleasuring herself in my mind. The way her jaw clenched when she was close, throwing her head back, her chest rising up and down. I just couldn't seem to get my mind off of that scene no matter how hard I tried. I decided to get my mind off things and read a book. I read a few sentences, and soon I was thinking about Jenna's whimpers. I put my hand over my head and mentally cursed myself. I threw the book on the floor and just stared at the ceiling. I was getting pretty hungry so I made my way to the kitchen. I really didn't want to see Jenna right now. Not because of the embarrassment, but because I won't be able to control myself. I walked over to the sink to get some water and what do ya know! Jenna's here. I casually got a cup and filled it up with water. I could feel her staring at me but I didn't dare to look. I started drinking out of the cup when I felt Jenna's stare get stronger and stronger.

Jenna's POV: I kept looking at Emma drinking water. I watched her throat move each time she took a gulp. I started getting lost in my thoughts. She set the glass down and gripped my shirt and pulled me in for a hard kiss. I was caught off guard as she slipped her hand in my sweats and brushed over my hard on.
"Someone's eager for me." She said giggling. I kissed her harder than before and pressed our bodies together. I pulled on the collar of her shirt and dragged her to the couch where I was this morning. I pushed her onto it and got on top of her and attacked her neck.
"Baby...please." Emma pleaded with a squeak in her voice. I slipped my tongue in her mouth and bit her bottom lip. She flipped us around and took my shirt and sweat pants off.
"How badly do you want me to suck you off." She said looking up at me.
"Take me to my limits baby." I breathed out. She took off my boxers and grasped me in one hand, stroking up and down. She licked the tip and continued to massage me in her hand. My veins were popping out way more than this morning. Emma took me in her mouth slowly, letting out a few gagging sounds here and there. I was so turned on, the heat only rushed more and more.
"Fuck baby." I moaned out, gently grabbing the back of her head with one hand. She let out a few moans that caused vibrations through my dick. She started going faster and faster and I felt myself breathing harder. My hips started thrusting up into her more.
"Fuck my mouth baby." With that, I grabbed her head with both hands and thrusted harder and faster. I bit my lip harshly as I felt myself getting closer and closer. Continuous muffled moans were heard from Emma. I edged myself, not wanting to cum yet. It was hard holding it in, but I'm willing to go that extra mile just to keep hearing her moans.
"God- Emma I'm gonna cum." I said hoarsely. That only caused her to moan even more, driving me to my release soon. I threw my head back with my mouth open as I twitched inside her warm mouth. I moaned her name as I came as much as I could in her mouth. I held her head in place still, wanting her to swallow every last drop of me. I heard those gulping sounds, just like the water she was drinking earlier. I caught my breath as I rode out my release. Emma got up and gave me a kiss.
"You did so good baby." I said, comforting her.
"Hey Jenna?" I heard her ask.
"Jenna?" She asked again.
"Jenna!" Emma called out. I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I was in the same position I was in the kitchen. I was daydreaming. How long? I blinked a couple of times and looked at her.
"Did you say something?" I asked.
"Yes, why were you staring at me for so long!" She said looking annoyed.
"I'm sorry- I was thinking about stuff and I got lost in my thoughts." I said nervously, knowing I was daydreaming about me fucking her throat. God I'm horny again. She scoffed and began to leave the kitchen.
"Wait- Emma." I said grabbing her wrist.
"Hm?" She replied.
"I wanted to clear some things up with you." She paused, letting me continue.
"Im sorry for what I said in the past about us just being friends. I feel bad that I pushed you away and made you feel like I was using you. I don't want to treat you like a doll. You mean way more to me than just a fuck buddy. I realized that I thought I wasn't ready to love someone. Every time I think of love I think of you. I can't imagine myself with anyone else if I'm being honest. You don't deserve to be treated like that, and I'm sorry." I said softly. I meant every word I said to her, and I always will.
"If you're willing to give me a second chance, I'll make it worth it." She smiled in response.
"That's sweet of you Jenna. Thank you for your apology. I never thought you would ever come forward." Emma said smiling as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
"I want to be with you Emma. Will you let me take care of you in my own hands?" I whispered.
"Please." She whispered back to me. I gave her a sweet loving kiss. No lust, just love.
"You're that 'nothing' I tell people when they ask what I'm thinking about." Emma whispered, smiling softly.

A Jenna Ortega and Emma Myers Love Story Where stories live. Discover now