• Unexpected •

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It is something unexpected and I don't know how to tell him or if I want to tell him right now when he already has a lot on his plate. And it's all on me, I'm the one who wanted us to do it without protection so I'll bear full responsibility for my actions.

Another reason I can't tell Sinn is cause I know if he knows about this, he won't let me take part in the attack we have planned at Papa Don's and I won't get to avenge my father with my own hands.

So I won't tell him about this for now. Maybe after this thing with my father is settled. And in the meantime, I'll think if I want to keep this baby or not.

"You should go and rest upstairs, you don't look well." He told me tucking my hair behind my ear. I felt like crying at this moment, maybe this is what they call pregnancy hormones cause I would usually not.

I got up and walked out of the room and I felt Sinn following me.

The time we were walking towards Sinn's floor I got engulfed in my thoughts.

I remember my father saying that women are nothing but an object to feel pleasure and reproduce to continue one's family line.

And I also remember him misbehaving with a pregnant woman. She was having labor pain and wanted a ride to the hospital. Her husband was on his way from work. She was sweating like crazy and couldn't stand. I don't know how she managed to talk and ask him for help.

But my father bluntly refused her and the reason he gave was that he doesn't go around giving lift to women who have some other men's baby in them. He tried to say he was only loyal to his wife. Pretty fucked up.

The woman was crying hysterically and held her swollen belly in pain and that day my mother spoke up to my father telling him to help the woman. And my father the shitty person he was slapped my mom right there and dragged her to the car. He pushed Mom in the car and went to sit in the driver's seat.

I was filled with rage at my father's behavior. My mother's red cheek and the woman whimpering in pain, I couldn't take it.

So I went to the woman and gave her support in standing. She immediately took my help and I called 911 and asked them to come here immediately. The hospital was close so it wouldn't have taken them that long and waiting for a taxi would've been much longer.

After I was done with the call and guiding the lady towards a place I saw to sit my father came and pulled my arm slapping my face as well. The impact of the slap hurt my neck.

He said, "I told you we won't help her." My father's eyes were bloodshot and I looked behind his shoulder at my silently weeping mother who was sitting in the car looking at us.

I looked back at him and stated, "But I'll help her." My father was furious at this point and just as he raised his hand to hit or grab my arm to drag me away I would never know what he wanted cause I took out my dagger and pointed it at him gaining a gasp from the pregnant lady sitting in pain beside me.

"I said I'll help her. If you won't be of any help, leave." I glared at him and for a nanosecond, my father was taken aback by my rebellion.

But then I saw his eyes darken in rage as he backed away. "We'll talk when you're back home." And I knew with the way he was that I shouldn't have gone back home.

The ambulance came exactly then and they helped her. She didn't let go of my hand so I followed her to the hospital. She held my hand so tight that they turned white.

It turned out that her water had already broken and she was almost 5 centimeters dilated. They also told us if I didn't call she would've given birth on the road.

After Serah, that's what her name was, was settled in the room and was monitored and in a much better condition than when we found her.

She told me that because she didn't find a taxi she walked all the way there cause the hospital was 5 minutes far from her house, by car. And when the pain was unbearable she found us there and asked for help. Well, we all know the rest.

After her husband arrived and she thanked me I took my journey back home. I should call it hell.

Cause it is the exact day when my father almost shot me and my mom had to force me to run away. My father did all because I rebelled against his commands and helped a poor pregnant lady.

Now I'm 19 and will turn 20 soon. With a baby growing in me I don't even know how I feel about it. How should I know when it's only been more than 2 weeks since I found out do people start loving them ins-

As I was thinking my thoughts my feet twisted while climbing the stairs and my body was being pulled backwards.

At this moment, all I could think about was hurting the being growing in me and the thought of losing it eerily made my heart sink. It is a foreign feeling.

I tried to reach for the railing but it was already too late. I closed my eyes awaiting my bones breaking but it never came.

I didn't feel pain instead I felt warm arms holding me.

"Are you alright?" Sinn's voice reached from behind me and I instantly opened my eyes. I looked up and nodded my head too shaken to utter a word.

I noticed my hand on my stomach like it was protecting the being inside it. Is it what they call motherly instincts? To protect your baby instead of yourself?

Sinn picked me up in his arms and I wrapped one of my arms around his neck while the other rested on my belly.

"There must be something wrong for you to almost fall. We should go to the hospital-"

"No!" I instantly said and he narrowed his eyes at me walking up as we entered his floor.

"I meant that I'm fine there's nothing wrong just a headache don't worry."


"I'm really fine. After I sleep it'll go away I promise."

He sighed as he placed me gingerly on the bed and tucked me in. He must've given in to my promise.

"Sleep then. But if you're still nauseous and I find you tripping, I'll hear no excuses." He told me and I gave him a thumbs up to which he sighed.

I don't want him to find out right now. A part of me cares how he'll react to it.

Cause I'm starting to feel like I don't want to give up on the mistake I made, yet.

I'll first figure out what I want.

An; few more chapters left till the end :)

His RebelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon