Chapter 9

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Silas' POV

When we finally reach Denver's pack lands, I quickly get out of the car, hoping that I will finally get the feeling in my legs back.

It's an early evening now, so the car ride wasn't that long, although it feels like I was sitting in this car for days.

I don't think that I would have been able to drive for this long and Denver doesn't look much better than me, so I'm glad that he didn't drive either.

The guard who was with us goes to the pack house, while Zain and I go with Denver to his house.

He said that he has a spare room, so Zain will be able to stay there, and I will most likely stay in my mate's room.

When we reach a house, which is a lot bigger than I expected it to be, I look at it with a smile.

I hope that I will have a house like this too, although I really doubt that I will have it.

We go inside, and I smile when I realise that I can smell my mate's scent, only it's kind of double which makes me frown in confusion.

Denver leads me towards the living room, where a boy is sitting.

It's clear that he's am Omega, mostly because of his scent, but I'm not disappointed at all, I think that the Omegas are very cute.

He doesn't seem to realise that we're here, most likely because he has the headphones on, and he's looking at his phone.

"I will let you talk with him alone." Zain says, and Denver offers to show him his room, so Zain follows him up the stairs before I can argue with him.

Now I'm a bit nervous, but I go over to the boy, and I sit on the couch, a few feet away from him.

He seems to realise that someone's here, and he turns his head to look at me.

His eyes widen and he quickly stands up to back away from me, losing his headphones and phone on the way.

"Who are you?" He asks me, panicking slightly.

If he wasn't an Omega, then I would have laughed at his inability with concentrating on the scents.

But he's an Omega, which means that his senses are even weakest than humans, and he can't do anything about it.

Although he will definitely be able to smell my scent if he will concentrate enough, or at least he will be able to smell that I'm his mate.

"Smell the air." I tell him with a small smile.

He does it, and then he relaxes slightly, before he comes over to sit next to me, although he's still a bit reluctant.

"I'm Ray." He tells me.

"Silas." I respond, and he smiles happily.

"Did you come here with my father?" He asks me, and I open my mouth to respond, but I'm stopped when I hear that someone clears their throat.

I look in the direction that the sound came from and I can see that a boy stands at the doorway, and he looks same as Ray.

The Hope Is Not LostOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant