Not good enough, but it got the job done.


The next morning, Crimson was by Kaelyn's bed side and couldn't stop thinking about her blood. He compared it to the woman from the previous night and it only made him want to get on top of her and bite her even just for a second, but he knew he wouldn't stop there.

Since he had already fed, he was certain he wouldn't give into the urge of drinking from Kaelyn.

With another show coming up at the circus, he knew he would still be distracted enough by it.

For the next few days, he kept a close eye on her and made sure she was well fed. His urge to drink her blood slowly became stronger again but he believed he could go a little longer.

As Kaelyn walked up the stairs so she could go to her bedroom, she wondered what time Crimson would return since he had been gone for hours. She was used to being left alone but couldn't help but think about it at times.

As she entered her bedroom, she kept her head low while she thought about how he had taken care of her the past few days more than he usually did.

The moment she raised her head, she instantly gasped for air as she was strangled and lifted in the air by Demeena.

Terrified, she wrapped her hands around Demeena's wrist with her mouth open and frantically kicked her legs around. She was certain Demeena would kill her and she wouldn't even stop her.

With no one to save her, Kaelyn shut her eyes a few times as her feet dangled more.

She then looked down at Demeena, who gritted her teeth as she exposed her fangs and snickered as her eyes changed.

Demeena's snickering only terrified Kaelyn even more as she was the only one who would have to fight for her life.

"No matter what I do, Crimson never looks at me. Now he even plans on keeping you around much longer and I hate it! However, if you die..."

Kaelyn shut her eyes tightly when she felt more pressure around her neck.

"If you die, I won't have to deal with the pain of knowing you're still with him!" Demeena yelled.

Just when Kaelyn struggled to keep her eyes open, she grunted heavily when she was suddenly dropped to the floor.

With eyes shut, she coughed a few times as she took short and quick breaths, glad she was still alive.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Crimson crouched right in front of her and she wrapped her arms around him. Once again, he was her savior and she was grateful that he showed up right when she needed him.

"Master, you're here," she said with struggle.

As Crimson ran his fingers through Kaelyn's hair, he clenched his jaw at Demeena still not giving up.

He sat with Kaelyn on her bed for a while and she rested her head on his chest.

He could hear her heartbeat which seemed to not beat any slower. He knew she was terrified since he read her mind.

"She hates me," she said. "She wants me out of the way."

"I know, but that won't happen for now."

"For now?"

"Now's not the time to speak."

As he thought about how he was right to arrive when he did, it infuriated him to imagine that he would've lost Kaelyn after all the effort he had made to fight the urge to drink her blood just so she wouldn't die so soon.

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