Chapter 17

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It's already Monday, the start of the week. First period is math, and we also have a test. I've put in a lot of effort studying for this test and the other exams because I really want to pass this school year.

I'm reviewing my notes that I've taken, going through all the topics. I'm feeling really nervous, hoping I don't fail. Passing this school year is crucial for me.

"Assalamu alaikum," Ameerah sits down in front of me. I look up, feeling stressed. "Wa alaikum Salam Ameerah. Are you prepared for the test?"

"Not really," she says with a lack of confidence. "My parents went away for the weekend, and I had to take care of my brothers. It was kinda stressful, and I didn't really have much time to study efficiently. But Alhamdulillah, I started a week ago, so I'm somewhat prepared for the test."

"Do you want to go over my notes? They might be helpful for you," she nods, and I hand her my notes. I feel more confident now since I studied with Alessia. My father helped me with math as soon as I got home, and we studied together the whole weekend. I hope I don't fail this test, but I have a good feeling about it.

More students enter the classroom as the class is about to start. Alessia and Matteo still haven't arrived. "Thank you," Ameerah hands me my notes back. "I think I've got this. I'll just say 'Bismillah' before I start and make dua. It won't be that bad." She says, but she seems more like she's reassuring herself, as she looks stressed.

"Don't worry, I have a feeling that this math test won't be too difficult. Mrs. Nielsen's homework isn't that challenging either." I try to assure her, and it seems to work. She nods, "I agree. Mrs. Nielsen's tests aren't really difficult. Since we have her in math, my grades have improved. I used to struggle a lot with math before she became our teacher."

"See," I say with a smile. "We've got this," leaning over the table to give her a hug. Suddenly, Alessia and Matteo burst into the classroom, looking like they just had a fight. Alessia decided to embrace her natural curls today instead of straightening them.

"Hey," Alessia greets Ameerah and me. "I thought we were going to be late. Matteo is acting really strange today." Matteo sits down next to me, shooting her a glare. He points at himself. "Me? Acting strange? You're the one here with the attitude problem, not just today but every day." Matteo seems really pissed off, but so does Alessia.

"What's going on?" I ask, genuinely curious. Even Ameerah looks puzzled. Alessia lets out a dramatic sigh, "I reminded him about something he was supposed to do, but he still didn't do it even though he said he would." Matteo rolls his eyes in annoyance, muttering, "She nags me about it every single day. It's so annoying. I already told her I'll do it."

"Well, you better follow through this time, or we'll have a problem," Alessia warns him. "Okay, okay," Ameerah interrupts, trying to diffuse the tension. "Let's all calm down. Take a deep breath. We can't let this distract us. We have a math test to focus on, remember?" She holds up her math book as a reminder.

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