Back with Isabella and Antonio, he tells her that she will have a wedding. Isabella is happy. She tells him that she will make him happy. Antonio tells her that the wedding will be on his terms. Isabella asks him what he is talking about. Antonio, smiles, happy that Isabella cannot see him. He adds that his terms are simple. One, there will be no honeymoon, and two, the wedding will be done outdoors. Isabella frowns and says that they can have the reception at a chosen venue, but the wedding, should be in a church.

Antonio says that he won't disrespect the house of God, by holding that sham of a wedding in it. Isabella whines, but Antonio holds his ground. He tells her that she can take it or leave it. Isabella reluctantly accepts his condition. He tells her that she can now go and whine to his grandmother, and hangs up. Isabella says that at least she is marrying him.

Elsewhere, Hector comes back into the room. He asks his father if Aranza tired him out. She frowns at Hector and he smiles. John says that she is a very smart girl. Aranza smiles at Hector.

Sometime later, at Hector and Gina's house,

Gina has just finished changing the baby and has gone to the kitchen when she hears a knock on the door. She goes to open it, thinking her brother was home early, only to find that it is Horacio. She doesn't greet him nor offer him anything. She instead gets straight to the point and asks him why he is there. He says that there are some things they need to discuss before their wedding. Gina doesn't reply and instead waits for him to continue. He says that he is uncomfortable with two things, one is her visiting the sick old man, and the closeness she has with Hector.

He continues and says that she and her cousin have done enough for him. Gina smiles sweetly. She tells him that he is being paranoid. She adds that they (her and Hector) are simply helping somebody, who has lost years of his life sick. Gina adds that as for Hector he is more than family, he is her best friend, and that isn't negotiable. Horacio says that she has their son, and they will have other children, and all that will keep her busy, and so she won't need Hector. Gina tells him, that Hector, has always been there for, her, and that they will always need each other.

A little bit later, at Aurelio's house,

Aurelio is reading a newspaper when Aranza comes and stands in front of him. He looks at her and asks her what she did. Aranza pouts and says she didn't do anything. She says that she wanted, to be in the bridal lineups at both weddings. Aurelio looks, at her surprised. He asks her why she would want to get involved in such lies. Aranza shrugs and says that she wants to be there, for both Adrianna and Gina, to provide moral support. She then adds that it is an excuse to get dressed up. Aurelio smiles at her and says that he doesn't understand her at all.

Two weeks later, Adrianna marries Alejandro and Gina marries Horacio. They aren't on the same day, so Aranza manages to be the maid of honour in both. During this time Aranza and Aurelio do their final end-of-semester exams. Another two weeks pass during which Antonio and Isabella and Hector and Marianna get married.

Adrianna, Gina, Isabella, and Marianna's maternity leave is about to come to an end that week, and they, are to return to work the next week. Also, as they do every school holiday, Aurelio and Aranza, go to work at the company. Aurelio is of course, under Antonio's guidance, and Aranza will be under Adrianna's when she returned.

On Thursday, Gina's phone rings. She picks it up and sees it is Aranza. She, then answers the call. Aranza asks Gina if she can come to spend some time over, and Gina agrees.

Meanwhile, Aurelio calls Antonio, to ask if he can come over for a visit. Eager to not be alone with Isabella, Antonio readily agrees.

Sometime after John (Gabriel) calls Gina. She frowns a little and tells herself that he has a good way of reading her and judging her feelings. She then picks up his call. He asks her if she is fine. Gina says that she is hanging in there. John reminds her that he loves her like she was his daughter, and he wants her to be happy. He adds that he also knows that she isn't happy because she loves Antonio. Gina says that sometimes sacrifices have to be made. John asks her, what is so important, that she is sacrificing Antonio for, but that she won't tell him. Gina tells him not to worry because eventually, he will understand her actions.

Later Isabella gets angry at Antonio, when she finds out, that Aurelio is coming. Isabella says that she doesn't want him in her house, because he is on Gina's side. Antonio tells Isabella that she is crazy. Isabella, says that he is saying that because he is still in love with Gina. Antonio says that he still loves Gina but Aurelio isn't part of that. He adds that he wants to get closer to him and that whether she likes it or not, Aurelio is their son's uncle, and he wants him to be close to their son.

Isabella tells him that he is cruel because he admitted he loves Gina, to her face. Antonio shrugs nonchalantly and says that she knew his heart belonged to Gina, but still insisted on this farce, of a marriage, so she deserves everything that happens. He smiles then leaves. Isabella is left feeling embarrassed.

Later, Horacio finds out that Aranza is coming, and isn't happy. He tells Gina that she has no reason, to maintain any bonds or ties to Aranza because the only connection she had was through Antonio, and those have been permanently broken. Gina tells him, that while she might have met Aranza through Antonio, the bonds she has with her are separate, from her relationship with Antonio, and she loves her, separately. Gina then adds that she sees Aranza as a little sister. She tells herself that Aranza is her little sister and she will always be close to her.

Meanwhile at Alejandro's house,

Adrianna is in the dining room with her baby, still trying to digest, the sad reality of being married to Alejandro. She looks at her daughter and wipes away a tear. She then tells her that it is all for her.

Meanwhile, at Hector's house,

He is carrying his daughter and playing with her. He cannot help but think of Adrianna. His beautiful, sweet flower. Marianna comes in and he barely looks at her. She is irritated by it. She asks him if he still thinking of Adrianna. He ignores her attempt to bait him into a fight. She continues and tells him that, it is all pointless because Adrianna is married to Alejandro, and he (Hector) will never have her.

She adds that who knows, maybe right at that moment, they are making sweet love. Hector stands up and tells Marianna to at least have the courtesy to keep their daughter away from her bad heart and vicious tongue. He then, baby in tow, leaves Marianna alone. He does not have the strength to deal with her.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now