She then adds that Adrianna sounded like she wasn't well. Aranza then asks him if he is angry at her because she is going to visit Adrianna. Aurelio says that he isn't. He adds that given everything that has been happening, it is only natural, that Adrianna would want, to lean on her. Aranza asks him if he will miss her. Aurelio says that he won't really miss her and he needs a break from her nosiness. She smiles and pokes his arm, as they walk on.

Later in the evening, Hector tells Gina that there is something that they have to discuss. She asks him what it is. He sits, folds his hands, and looks at her. She frowns and asks him what he did. He tells her that he didn't do anything. He says that he was thinking that they should introduce Aranza to their father so that they can form a bond. Gina looks at her brother like he has gone mad. She tells him that, they can go and tell Helena and Carlos over tea next. Hector tells her to stop being such a drama queen.

She tells him that his idea is dangerous because Aranza could recognize their father. Hector tells Gina that he understands her point, but their priorities have changed. He adds that initially the plan, was to get back their father's company and to form a bond with their sister, but with their father alive, they need to help him. He continues and says that as much as getting back the company is important, reuniting their family is much more important.

Meanwhile at the Montes De Alba mansion,

Aranza is in Adrianna's room, she is sitting on her bed, her arms folded. The baby is sleeping in her crib. Adrianna takes a deep breath and says that she is marrying Alejandro. Aranza frowns and asks Adrianna why she would marry someone as disgusting as Alejandro. She then tells Adrianna that she knows that she still loves Hector. Adrianna doesn't answer her, and instead, looks, around.

Aranza coughs and reminds, Adrianna that she is in the room.

Adrianna says that she made the decision because it is the best option. Aranza glares at her, and asks, her who is it the best option for. Adrianna tells her, that she won't deny, that she still loves Hector, but the odds are stacked against them, and there is nothing they can do.

Back at Hector and Gina's house,

Gina tells Hector that she understands, but reminds him that it will put their father and their secret at risk. She then adds that it will raise questions. She says that she doesn't think Helena will care, but asks Hector what they will tell, Adrianna and Antonio, if they ask, why Aranza is visiting their father. She also asks him what they will tell Aranza. He tells her not to worry. He adds that he will come up with something.

She glares at him and says that they, not he will come up with something.

He smiles at her and calls her a drama queen. He then says dealing with Aranza isn't that complicated. He says that he knows how to deal with each one of his two sisters. Gina folds her hands, frowns at him, and then asks, him what he means. She tells him to be careful with his answer. Hector ignores her and says that Aranza is nosy and meddlesome, and she (Gina) is obsessed with competing with him and outshining him, so he has to play to each of those when dealing with them.

Back at the Montes De Alba mansion,

Aranza says she understands Alejandro's and her mother's threats, but she and Hector love each other, and love is stronger than anything else. Adrianna says that only happens on TV and in fairy tales, not in real life. Aranza says that marrying Alejandro is like going to jail for life. She then says that maybe if she (Adrianna) is lucky, Alejandro will die, soon after.

Adrianna glares at her little cousin and tells her that she is young and innocent, and she shouldn't let hate consume her. Aranza rolls her eyes and tells her that she is acting like she's old, and yet, she's only 6 years older than her. Adrianna smiles, but weakly. Aranza asks her when she will tell Hector. Adrianna says that she doesn't know. Aranza says that he will be hurt. Adrianna says that she knows, and it pains her to have to tell him.

Back at Hector and Gina's house,

Gina frowns at her brother and tells him that she isn't obsessed with outshining him and competing with him. He looks at her and smirks. She ignores him but says that she will work with him to make, Aranza's visit work, but still keep their secret. She then says that she has something to tell him. She takes a deep breathe and tells him that she is going to get married to Horacio. He looks at her shocked. He then asks her why she would do that. She says that it's what's best.

Hector says that he understands the threats from Horacio and Antonio's grandparents but Horacio is crazy and doesn't deserve her. Gina says that, they are cornered, and that there is nothing they can do. Hector says she loves Antonio, and Horacio is a scumbag who doesn't even respect her. He then adds that revealing who they are, will end some of their problems, but will create others because it will put their father, who is still in a delicate condition at risk.

Gina says that's exactly her point. Hector asks her when she will tell Antonio. Gina looks at him horrified. He tells her that she will have to tell him. Gina then asks him if he thinks Adrianna has accepted Alejandro's offer. Hector stands frozen to the spot for a few seconds, as the possibility of that happening hits him. He says that he talked to Aurelio earlier, and he told him that Aranza went to stay with Adrianna for some time. Gina says that there is a possibility that she wanted to break the news to Aranza.

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