Back at Hector and Gina's house,

Hector tells Marianna that if she only came to annoy him, she can leave. Marianna says that she isn't leaving him, because they will get married, whether he likes it or not. Hector takes a deep breath. Marianna is irritating. She, however, is on a roll and continues. She adds that he is only postponing the inevitable. Hector says that he will always, be there for his daughter, but he has never and will never, love her. He then asks her, who has the baby now that she is here nagging him. Marianna glares at him and says that she isn't an irresponsible mother. She adds that she got a babysitter, and they are trustworthy and good with babies.

Back at Clara and Ramon's house,

Emma says that she has one more question, and then tells Gina that, she wouldn't want to be a bother with her questions. Gina says that it's no problem. Emma says that she was curious about the pact she and her brother made some years back that each one of them would name their first child of the opposite gender with a name that starts with the same letter as the other person's name. Gina says that she always knew that her first son's name, would start with the letter H because that is what her brother's name starts with.

She adds that she suggested the pact because she wanted them to be on the same page and luckily her brother was actually okay with it. She then says that Aranza heard of the pact, and the rest is history. Emma is wowed. She then asks Gina that speaking of her little sister, when are she and Hector going to tell Adrianna, Antonio, and Aranza the truth. Gina takes a deep breath and admits that she dreads, that time coming. Emma says that the three of them will be hurt. Gina nods sadly and says that their father being alive but sick complicates things.

Some days pass during which: Hector, Gina, and Anna Patricia arrive at the mental hospital, ready to go with John for his first visit out in many years. As per his request, his hair color was changed and he had a hat and glasses. He is so happy.

Also, Alejandro continues pressuring and threatening Adrianna, Marianna continues pressuring Hector, Isabella continues pressuring Antonio and Horacio continues pressuring and threatening Gina.

Also, Carlos continues harassing, Anna Patricia. Despite her constant rejections, he refuses to get the message. She still doesn't tell anyone yet.

On Wednesday, a week and some days later, Antonio goes to Hector and Gina's house, to talk to Gina. She is surprised and a little scared to see him. He asks her if Hector is around. She says that she is alone. He then goes and sits down. Gina asks him, what's going on. Antonio says that she is the one, who should be answering, that question. He asks her why she has been pushing him away since they found out what Horacio did. Gina says that they aren't having that conversation, then begins to walk off.

Antonio, however, predicts her reaction and moves quickly to reach in front of her. He holds her face up with one hand so that she faces him. He says that he knows that she loves him as much as he loves her, and she shouldn't push him away. Unable to stop himself, he leans in and kisses her. Gina kisses him back as well, before reluctantly pulling away. She says that what is best for them and for the children, is if she married Horacio and he married Isabella.

Antonio looks at her and tells her not to say that, even as a joke. Gina says that love between them is impossible because there are so many obstacles. She reminds him of Helena saying that she will help Alejandro take away Adrianna's daughter, and says that his grandparents, are slightly more diplomatic, but they will do the same things. She adds that all their enemies are working together to separate them.

Meanwhile, Hector goes to the park, to think. Everything that is happening is just too overwhelming. He sees a lone figure on a bench and moves towards the bench. Aranza, who is in disguise, looks up when she senses someone approaching. She is shocked, to see Hector. He still hasn't noticed it is her but is surprised at her reaction to him. He greets her and she replies. It is then that he notices that the voice is familiar.

He calls out her name. She removes the shades and smiles. He folds his hands and asks her what she is doing in the park alone. Aranza frowns at him and says that she isn't a baby. She then looks up and says that it isn't that late anyway. He looks at her and notices that she isn't happy. He asks her how she is. Aranza lies, and says that she is fine, then slumps into the chair. Hector frowns at her and says that he doesn't believe her. He says that she can tell him anything because he will always be there to listen to her.

Back at Hector and Gina's house,

Antonio runs, his hand through his hair, he knows Gina has a point. How did things get to that point? He asks her if she knows a way to get out of all this. Gina says, that there is nothing that they could do. He asks her if she is sure that there is no way out. Gina says that there isn't. She then tells herself that, there is no way out, that won't endanger her father. Antonio hugs her.

Back at the park,

Aranza says that she doesn't want to be a burden to him because he already has enough problems. Hector says that no matter, what is going on in his life, he will never be too busy for her. She starts to cry, and Hector wipes away her tears. She says that she is afraid that if anything happens to his relationship with Adrianna or Gina's with Antonio, he and Gina won't want anything to do with her. She adds that he might think that she is crazy, but unlike him, she didn't grow up with a lot of people who loved her.

She adds that she just had Adrianna and Antonio, since her father and older siblings died, so finding him and his family was a godsend. Hector assures her that he and Gina love her, regardless of everything else going on. She looks at him like he is mad, and says that, he is just saying that to make her feel better. Hector says he isn't just saying that. He adds that she is like a little sister to him and hugs her. He then adds to himself that she is his sister and he will never leave her alone.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now