I couldn't stay here anymore. It wasn't fair on anyone else.


Amelia and my Father had been arguing for the past forty five minutes about where to go. They both had different ideas of 'the best place to hide', and it appeared that they weren't the best pairing.

I would have thought that they had already organised everything, but, it seemed that they had been pressed for time and had just acted when they saw an opening to take me, having no stable idea of what they were going to do with my Mother and I.

Amelia had mentioned something about handing me over to my Father when she was finished with me, and I knew it was because she wanted to have her fun with me before sending me off to live out the rest of my pathetic life being abused. I gathered she thought that me living in misery was more satisfying to her than just killing me. Besides, she needed to keep her end of the bargain.

I had no doubt that she could just kill my Father when she was done with him though. My Father also knew that, and although he stuck to his guns around her, there were a few times where I saw him bite his tongue. He didn't want to end up without his head.

"Well, we need to leave soon," Amelia grumbled, taking another bite of her sandwich. It was the first thing I had seen anybody eat here, and my stomach was complaining at the sight. It growled, and Amelia glared at me, shaking her head.

"I'm aware," My Father responded, huffing to himself as he knocked back another glass of whisky. I was surprised he wasn't absolutely hammered, but his years of alcohol abuse had given him a hell of a tolerance. He would often drink multiple bottles of the stuff a day and still be able to stand up and somewhat function, something that surprised me.

I was missing Jared like hell. My body craved his, and I found myself drifting off into the distance and filling my mind with our happiest memories in an attempt to distract myself. I never lasted long though. Amelia would always interrupt, usually with a snarky remark or a slap around the face. She hadn't touched my Mother though, leaving that up to my Father.

We needed to stay here as long as possible. The more Amelia and my Father argued about where to hide, the better. It gave Jared's pack a better chance of finding us, because I knew that if we moved away, we may never be rescued.

"I'm done with this," Amelia huffed, pushing herself up off her chair and stalking over to my Father, swiping his half empty bottle of drink away, throwing it to the side. "We are leaving in the next couple of hours, and if you don't come with me, I'll kill you and your wife. I'm not risking being found just because you want to pick the perfect vacation destination."

My Father gulped as he watched Amelia storm out of the room, and she slammed the door behind her as she made her way into what I believed to be the bedroom. My Father hadn't been allowed in their except to shower, giving me the assumption that it had an en-suite. He slept on the couch in the corner of the room, watching us with beady eyes while him and Amelia took shifts ensuring we didn't escape.

I didn't know why they didn't bind our wrists or just tie us up, but I gathered that they enjoyed giving us the idea of false hope. They liked making us feel as if we had a chance, only to crush it into the ground whenever they saw an opening. It gave them a brilliant sense of power.

I panicked hearing Amelia' statement, knowing that we needed to buy ourselves some time. We couldn't just sit here and wait.

My eyes widened, and I turned to my Mother, offering her a small nod.

"Dad," I mumbled, hearing my Father hum in response, continuing to stare at the ground in front of him. "I need some female... things."

He shifted in his chair, cocking his head at me and furrowing his brows. "What?"

"I'm about to start my period. It's due today, and I can feel that it's going to start soon. I don't want to bleed everywhere. Amelia will hate it," I told him, and I breathed a sigh of relief once I picked up that the shower was on, meaning Amelia most likely couldn't hear us. We were talking in hushed voices.

My Father turned his nose up at me, disgust evident on his face, and he shook his head, ignoring me.

"Please, Dad," I begged, my eyes tearing up. "If we're going to sit in a car for hours and hours, I don't want to bleed all over the seat. It will make the car smell and it's embarrassing. All I'm asking for are some sanitary products. Please."

My heart was hammering against my ribs as I lied right to my Father's face, and he scrunched his face up as he imagined what I guessed was the smell of my period blood. The thought was enough to make me cringe also.

"I'll get something," he grumbled to me, kicking his bottle of whisky in annoyance as he entered the bedroom, leaving the door wide open so he could hear and see us.

I was hoping he was going to leave without letting Amelia know, but, I knew that that was a stupid thing to wish for. He was obviously going to make sure that she was here to watch us.

My Father emerged back out and pulled his coat on, shaking his head at me in frustration as he perched himself up against the wall, waiting for Amelia to exit the bedroom. She did so quickly, her hair sopping wet as she growled, nodding for my Father to go.

"If you aren't back in thirty minutes, I'm snapping her neck," said Amelia, nodding towards my Mother. "And taking your daughter with me. Don't speak to anyone and keep your hood up. Use cash instead of your card."

My Father left quickly, and Amelia turned to me, her nostrils flaring. "I'll be able to smell your blood, so I really hope you're telling the truth," she told me, chuckling. "Otherwise there will be dire consequences."


Will he have a change of heart? :/

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