Chapter 12: Depression

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Marcella Drogo POV

I was very sick without Rhaegal. Optimus and Mama tried to comfort me but nothing worked. Even Ser Jorah and Ser Barristan we're worried about me.

I was standing outside when I turned. I saw Drogon. "Drogon!" I sighed.

He bent down and sniffed me. I smiled and held my hand out to him.

He sniffed it and licked my hand. I smiled and petted his snout. He purred. I smiled. "Marcie!" Mama called.

Drogon then took off. I watched him Fly off. He roared.

Mama widened her eyes as she watched him. I felt like crying.

I stood beside Mama when we heard about Jorah's betrayal.

I felt like crying. He's always been a father to me. "Why did the usurper pardon you?" Mama asked.

"If we could speak alone," Torah asked. "No, speak to me here," Mama said. "Explain it to me."

"Who do you think sent this to Meereen? Who profits? This is the work of Tywin Lannister. He wants to divide us. If we're fighting each other, we're not fighting him."

"This pardon was signed the year we met. Why were you pardoned? Unless you're saying this document was forged."

"It is not forged," Torah admitted.

"Why then?" Mama asked. "I send letters to Varys the spymaster of Kibg's landing."

"What is the content of these letters?" Mama asked. "Information."

"What information?" Mama questioned.  "When you and Viserys arrived in Pentos. His plan to marry you to Khal Drogo." I looked at Optimus and he looked at me.

"You told him I was carrying Drogo's child?" Mama asked. "I—"

"Yes or no?" Mama asked. "Khaleesi."

"Don't call me that. Yes or no?" she asked. "Yes."

"That wine merchant tried to poison me because of your information," Mama said getting up.

"I stopped you from drinking his wine—"

"You didn't stop Marcie. She lost her vision. You betrayed me. From the first." he then owed.

"Forgive me. I never meant— Please, Khaleesi. Forgive me."

"You sold my secrets to the man who killed my father, and stole my brother's throne--"

"I have protected you. Fought for you. Killed for you."

"...And you want me to forgive you?!" My mother snapped. I looked at him. "I have loved you."

"Love? How can you say that to me? Any another man and I would have you executed, but you, I do not want you in my city dead or alive. Go back to your masters in Ling's landing. Collect your pardon if you can." Mama said.

"Marcella..." Jorah said. I looked at him tears in my eyes. "Go. Get out. I'm sorry." he then walked out and I felt the tears falling.

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