Chapter 17: Jon Snow Meets Queen Daenerys

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Marcella Drogo POV

I smiled as I saw Jon Snow. They were walking up the stairs. Jon saw me and he smiled. Optimus's true from stood behind me. Drogon then flew above the men. He roared as he scared the shit out of them. I laughed.

Jon looked at me. "Don't mind him. He loves to scare people." I snickered. Jon smiled and hugged me. I smiled. "How's your shoulder?" He asked.

"Fine. Come. It's time you meet my mother." I said. He nodded. "Go on. I have to check my dogs and my siblings." He nodded.

I walked over and saw my hounds barking. "Hey. What are you guys doing?" I teased. They whimpered and I petted their heads.

I was on Drogon. Mom wanted me to take my Dothraki army and take out the threat nearby. Me and him were in the air.

The Dothraki surrounded the men.

Drogon roared as he dropped from the clouds and flew above them.

"Dracarys!" I yelled. Drogon then spat his fire and burned through the men and their army. Soon the Dothraki charged through it.

My mother owned the unsullied and I owned the Dothraki.

Drogon continued to burn the carriages and all the men in the field. He then flew around. Drogon then circled around. They fired and I ducked down. The arrows hit his chest and bounced off not affecting him. He continued to burn everything.

Drogon roared as he was flying around. He then kept flying. I then saw a large arrow fly past me. I turned.

I widened my eyes and saw who it came from. I saw a man with a large arrow shooter.

Drogon roared and he circled back around. He then started to dive for it.

I waited for him to get closer. "Dracarys."

He opened his jaws when the arrow shot out and hit his wing. He screeched in pain and dropped. I held on tightly. He roared and lifted himself back up. He roared and lit the thing on fire. He landed beside it and he crushed it with his tail.

He allowed me off to try and get it out. I pulled at it and he roared.

I kept tugging on the spear.

I turned to see Jamie Lannister charging at me. I tensed. Drogon the put his head near me and he fired his blast.

He missed because someone tackled him.

I had my Dothraki round up all the survivors. Drogon stood behind me. He roared. I walked forward.

"I know what Cersei has told you. That I've come to destroy your cities, burn down your homes, murder you, and orphan your children. That's Cersei Lannister, not me nor my mother. We are not here to murder, and all I want to destroy is the wheel that has rolled over rich and poor to the benefit of no one but the Cersei Lannisters of the world. I offer you a choice— bend the knee and join me. Together we will leave the world a better place than we found it. Or refuse... and die."

Some men bowed. Drogon turned. He then roared and most of them bowed. He growled. Two of them never did. "Step forward my Lord." I said.

"You will not kneel?" I asked. "I already have a queen." He said. "My sister. She wasn't your queen until recently, though, was she?" Tyrion asked. "When she murdered your rightful queen and destroyed house Tyrell for all time. So it appears your allegiances are somewhat flexible."

"There are no easy choices in war. Say what you will about your sister, she was born in Westeros. She's lived here all her life. You, on the other hand, murdered your own father and chose to support a Dothraki whore." He sneered.

Drogon snarled angrily. He didn't like it when people called me names. "I wouldn't insult me unless you want to burn."

I then turned to the Dothraki. They took them. Tyrion turned away. A kid wanted to be killed with him.

"My princess, nothing cribs bold notions from a man's head like a few weeks in a dark cell." Tyrion begged me.

I looked at him. "Okay. You're in charge of him then." Tyrion nodded respectfully.

The Dothraki held the kid back.

I then turned. "Lord Randyll Tarly I, Marcella Drogo, son of Khal Drogo, daughter to Daenerys Targaryen, sentence you to die." I turned to Drogon and nodded.

He lit them on fire. I watched them burn. He roared. Everyone then bowed.

I then walked over to Drogon. He bent down and I got on his back.

Drogon flew up to Dragonstone. He then landed. He growled and he ran at Jon roaring at him.

He then lowered his head and sniffed him. Jon took his glove off and touched Drogon's snout. I smiled.

Drogon calmed down when the man touched his snout. Drogon then looked at him a soft look in his eyes.

He then let me down.

I got off him and he flew off.

"Beautiful aren't they?" I asked. "Wasn't the word I was thinking of but..." I turned to him. "Yes, they are. Gorgeous beast." He answered. I turned and smiled at all three of them flying around.

"They're not beasts to me. No matter how big they get or how terrifying to everyone else, they're my siblings." I said.

Drogon roared.

"You weren't gone long." He told me.

"No." I said.


"And we have fewer enemies than I did yesterday. You're not sure how you feel about that." I said. "No, I'm not."

"Neither am I. I don't like killing people. But my mother wants it done." I said. He nodded. He then walked with me.

"When Ser Davis said you took a knife in the heart for your people." I said. "It is true. I did." I looked down. "Did you die?" He nodded. "For a little bit. I came back." I nodded.

This man says he is your friend, Khaleesi. One of my Dothraki said.

I widened my eyes. Jorah was behind them.

"He is my friend." I said.

"My princess."

"Jon snow, this is Ser Jorah Mormont." I introduced.

"You look strong. You found a cure?" I asked. "I wouldn't be here if I hadn't. I return to your service, my princess, if you'll have me." He said.

"It would be my honor." I said. I then hugged him and he hugged me back. I smiled.

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