Chapter 7: looking for the dragons

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3rd POV

Marcelle was pacing in her room. She wanted Rhaegal back and she was a mess without him.

Marcella walked into a room and heard Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion. They all looked at her and whimpered. She held out her hand and they cooed.

"They missed their friend." Marcie turned. "They want to be with you. Do you want to be with them." She sensed many of the man.

They then chained Marcie up. The dragon roared angrily. She then turned to them. They looked at her. The man bent down and looked at them. "Dracarys."

Rhaegal spat out a fire ball. He then spat out bigger fire. It lit thr man's arm on fire. The other two followed. The dragons burned the man alive. Marcie smirked. She then pulled herself free.

Marcie walked up to Daenerys and she saw her dragons all in the girl's arms. "You found them!"

She smiled.

Optimus and Jorah smiled.

Drogon flew around the ship. He then dived into the water and came out with a fish. Marcie smiled. He landed near her. She smiled and rubbed his chin. "They're growing fast." Optimus said.

Marcie continued to rub Drogon's chin. "Not fast enough." Daenerys said. Drogon flew off. Rhaegal then flew back down and landed beside her. She smiled.

She felt Rhaegal nuzzle her shoulder.

Marcie was standing beside Daenerys.

They walked with the master and Marcie walked beside Optimus.

"The Unsullied have stood here for a day and a night with no food or water." The slave named Missandie translated. "They will stand until they drop. Such as their obedience."

"They may suit my needs. Tell me their training." Daenerys said.

The Westeros I woman is pleased with them but speaks no praise to keep the price down. She wishes to know how they're trained. Missandie translated.

Tell her what she would know and be quick about it. The day is hot. The master said.

"They begin their training at five. Every day they drill from dusk to dawn. Until they have mastered the short sword, the Sheila and the three spears. Only one boy in four survived this rigorous training. Their discipline and loyalty are absolute. They fear nothing."

"Even the bravest men fear death." Optimus pointed out. I was teaching Daenerys and Jorah cybertronian so they could understand him.

The Prime says even brave men fear death. Missandie said. Tell the prime he smells of piss. He said.

Truly, master—

No, not truly. Are you a girl or a goat to ask such a thing? The master sneered. Optimus and me shared a look.

They watched him walk forward. And tell a man to step forward. He then cut off the man's nipple.

Marcie sighed.

"If you want me to kill him right now, I will for you, my love." Optimus told her. "Not yet. We will when Mama wants us to." Marcie told her.

Marcie glared at the man despite the fact she was blind.

"I swear to Primus, I want to kill him so badly. Let me kill this man for you, my love." Optimus told her. Marcie wasn't paying attention. She then followed a little girl. She tossed a ball to her. Marcie opened it. Suddenly someone slapped the ball out her hand and she fell.

She saw some sort of creature. It charged at her and the man who slapped it out her hand stabbed it and went for the child.

She was gone.

Marcie stood up with Optimus's help. They turned to the man. "I owe you my life, Ser." Marcie said.

"The honor is mine, Marcie." She then looked. "Ser Barristan?" She asked. He nodded.

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