Chapter 3: Poisoned

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Marcella Drogo POV

I was sitting still as Optimus was braiding my hair. "How do you know how to braid hair?" I asked.

I learned it from a human. She was very nice and she was adorable. I cared for her before I met you. Her name was Missandie. She was a kind girl for a slave. He told me. I smiled.

I laughed at the joke Optimus made. Me and Mama were sitting near him and he was our guard. "Daenerys!"

"Stop him!" she told Jorah.

I was sitting beside my mama. He saw my brother. I sighed.

He pulled a sword on Jorah. I stood up with Mama. "VISERYS! Please!" Mama begged. He turned to see us. "There she is." he walked over to us. "Put the sword down. They'll kill us all!" Jorah snapped.

"They can't harm us. They can't shed bled in their sacred city." Optimus then put his blade to Visery's neck.

But I can. He growled. He then noticed Visery's sword on my neck. "Release me or we all watch her bleed out." He pulled his sword away.

Visitors forced me to sit. "I want what I came for. I want the crown he promised me. He bought you. But he never paid for you." He looked to Irri who was talking to my brother.

"He can have the baby. I'll cut it out and leave it for him." He told me and I widened my eyes. He will have a crown. One men shall tremble to hold. My brother said.

"What's he saying?" Viserys demanded. "He says yes. You shall hold a golden crown. One men shall tremble to hold." I said.

"That's all I wanted. W-what was promised," he said. He took the sword off my neck. Optimus got up and he walked over to me. I could see the murderous look in his eyes. I nodded.

"Take him," Optimus ordered. They took him. "You want a crown?" Optimus threw a gold thing into the pot.

"Look away, Marcie."

"No," I said.

He started to beg us to help.

"Dany, please!" he sobbed. Optimus grabbed the pot tightly. "A crown for a king." He said in English. He poured the hot melted gold on Visery's head. He screamed.

They dropped him when he died.

"Marcie?" Jorah asked. "He was no dragon. Fire cannot kill a dragon." I said. Optimus looked at me.

I was with Optimus and Mama. Optimus got a lot of dogs. He gave me three of them. My hounds were with me along with his. Optimus walked behind me.

Me and mama walked up to the wine merchant. One taste of this and you will name your first child after me. He said.

"My son already has a name but I'll try your summer wine," Mama said.

"My lady, you are from Westeros," he said. "You have the honor of addressing Daenerys of the House Targaryen Khaleesi of the riding men and princess of the Seven Kingdoms," Irri said. He gave us some wine and I took a sip of it. It tasted good. I then felt a searing pain.

"DAMN IT!" Optimus put his curved blade to the merchant's throat. "If she dies, you die as well in the most painful way!" Optimus snarled.

I screamed in pain.

3rd POV

Optimus then looked at Marcella. "Are you okay, Marcie?" He asked. "I-I can't see," she said. Optimus paled. "Okay. Take this." he handed her a leash. She gently took it.

"Your three hounds will protect you and help you around. Daenerys told me the green egg is yours. So when that dragon is hatched and grown that dragon will protect you until his dying breath." He told her.

Marcie nodded. Optimus helped her stand. Her hounds led her to the main tent. Her other senses were ten times brighter.

Marcie could smell the man's blood. She stood beside Daenerys. Optimus walked in and turned to the merchant. "Prime. Prime!" Drogo grabbed his arm. Optimus held out his hand for a torch.

He threw it into the fire pit.

"Marcie, are you alright?" Optimus asked. She nodded. He then sighed and kissed her head softly. She smiled.

Optimus and my brother shared a look.

And Khaleesi. I make this gift to Rhaego. I will give him the iron chair... that his mother's father sat upon.

We will give him in the Seven Kingdoms.   I, Drogo, and Optimus Prime, will do this. I will take my Khalasar to where the world ends... and ride wooden horses across the black saltwater... As no Khal has done before. I will kill the men in iron suits... Khal Drogo snarled in the Mercent's face. Marcie and Daenerys stared at him with pride.

And tear down their stone houses. I will rape their women... take their children as slaves and bring tier broken gods back to Vaes Dothrak.

This we vow... I, Son of Sentinel Prime. We swear before the Mother of Mountains... as the stars stare down in witness. As the stars look down in witness. The Prime said. Marcie and Daenerys looked at the two. Marc is was riding beside her brother's guard. He remained with her along with her hounds.

Blood of my blood (Game of thrones)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora