At some point, Prince started getting tired. Mrs. Seifer offered to lay him down in her bed, and that's what I did, placing a pile of pillows on both sides so that he wouldn't fall off the bed.

After a while, Michael and the kids finally came back. He then walked towards me and gently grabbed my hips, pulling me closer to kiss me on the lips. He smiled brightly.

"Is Prince sleeping?" he asked,
"Yea, he got tired to listen to me and Marie talking." I joked, and I could hear Mrs. Seifer behind me laugh.
"What did you talk about to make my son that tired?" he said and chuckled,
"Oh nothing, just some things... you know, what women usually talk about." Mrs. Seifer commented, Michael then raised both his hands like he was trying to say that he won't ask any further questions. I giggled and cupped his face to peck his lips.

*Michael's POV*

We spent an amazing day here with our dear friends, I love Germany, and I love this Family. I enjoy being in their company, and Myra seems to be comfortable too around them, especially with Marie. Looks like they have established a good friendship.
I am very happy for that.

After a long day, we got escorted back to the Hotel. Me and Myra had some dinner, watched a film and cuddled together all night long.

March 28th, 1998

It has been over two weeks since our arrival here in Munich, and we are planning to stay until March 30th.

We kept meeting with the Seifer Family here and there, but today... today we decided to take Prince to the circus.

Once we were all ready, my securities escorted us where the circus is going to take place. The Seifer Family is also going to be there.
Myra was as excited like a kid, and I love that part of her. It reminds me so much of me. That's what used to bring us closer the first times we met, back in 1994.

When we arrived, we got greeted by a sea of chanting fans and paparazzi's haunting us

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

When we arrived, we got greeted by a sea of chanting fans and paparazzi's haunting us. The Seifer's spotted us, and my securities immediately walked us over to them. After greeting each other, we finally made our way inside and sat down in our seats.
Prince was sitting on Myra's lap.

I was wearing a mask, like I usually do when I travel the world. I tend to do this to protect myself so that I don't get sick, especially now that I have a son and another baby on the way.
Myra did the same, just for safety purposes.

The show of the circus then started, and we were all having a lot of fun.
Even Prince seemed to enjoy it.

I have to admit, that we got to spend a magical day. And sharing this experience with Myra, really made me happy.

After a long day, we then said our goodbyes to the Seifer's and made our way back to the Hotel. Prince immediately fell asleep, since he was exhausted from this tiring day.

Me and Myra ended up sitting in the balcony after dinner, cuddled in each other's embrace and in a cozy blanket, with a glass of wine and watching the stars.

"You know, I loved these past weeks here in Munich... I love travelling the world with you." she whispered, I looked down at her and my eyes met her's. I smiled.
"Me too... I love sharing every single moment with you." I replied, and she smiled too.
"I was wondering..." she started and cleared her throat, she then chuckled, "do you still have those golden pants? I kinda liked them." she said in a playful tone, I could feel my entire face burning and I couldn't hold back a laughter.
"Are you serious right now?" I asked, she smiled from ear to ear and giggled.
"Yes, dead-serious." she replied, I starred into her eyes for a few seconds, and I could see a fire burning inside of them... I knew very well what that meant.
"I can get them for you, if you want... but first you gotta tell me why." I teased, whispering in a deep tone, knowing that it drives her crazy when I do that.

Indeed, she quickly stepped back sitting straight, and drinking the last sip of wine from her glass.

"Jackson... don't mess with me." she finally said, and I chuckled.
"I'm not doing anything... am I?" I asked pointing at myself, she sucked her teeth and I grinned.
"You already know damn well what I think of those damn golden pants. It's pure sexiness on you. They drive me insane. And I love seeing you wearing them." she confessed, and I immediately flashed her a smirk. I then leaned closer into her ear,
"Oh, really... do they, Mrs. Diaz?" I whispered in a low tone. Within a split second, she climbed on top of me, sitting on my lap, our lips locked and sealed... that was the start of a long night.

My other half: Michael Jacksonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें