Chapter 33

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February 11th, 1995
*Myra's POV*

It has been a month now since I decided to take my distance from Michael... I haven't been doing very well ever since, I wouldn't eat properly anymore, I can barely sleep at night.
This entire situation is killing me inside... but it was the right thing to do.
Thankfully he released an interview shortly after our phone call, and he cleared out that there is no love triangle and that I am not involved in that mess.
It wasn't easy though... I mean, he cleared it out, yes. But the mess was done, and fans and reporters, tabloids kept following me everywhere whenever I'm outside, asking questions about me and Michael. They weren't making it any easier for me.

It is now 3 p.m., I haven't had breakfast or launch today, I didn't even take a shower. I just wanted to lay in my bed ... my pillow was soaking wet because of my tears. It's hard enough to lose a best friend, but the love of your life? Damn, that's on a whole other level.
Tala wasn't at home, she left and said she needed to go grocery shopping and do some other stuff... I didn't really pay attention to what she said.

Please make this pain go away...
I can't bear this anymore.

*Michael's POV*

I was now sitting in a diner with Tala. I had a disguise on so that people wouldn't recognise me, and for now it seems like it's working.

Myra doesn't know that her friend was meeting me, and maybe it's better this way. I have called Tala because I wanted to know how Myra was doing, then she offered me to meet because she wanted to talk about something. That's how we ended up here.
We just ordered something to drink as she started talking...

"So how are you doing?" she asked,
"I've been doing better..." I replied,
"It's okay if you are not doing good, I can't blame you..." she said looking at me, I sighed.
"Tala, how can I be doing good if I lost my best friend? Tabloids are following me everywhere not giving me a proper chance to breathe, I keep fighting non-stop with Lisa... no, I'm not doing good. And I know Myra isn't doing good either." I replied honestly,
"No, she's not. You know, reporters and tabloids are following her everywhere too... she keeps running away from them, she hides until they leave before she can come home. She's not eating or sleeping properly... she cries alone at night..." she explained and released a heavy sigh. They are following her? I didn't know that...
"I-I'm so sorry..." I whispered, while looking down at my hands. That's when she reached out to me and grabbed my hand... I looked back up and that's when our eyes met.
"There is something you need to know, Michael... I'm probably going to hell for saying this, and Myra is going to hate me, but you need to know that." she said, my heart was now racing.
"What is it?" I asked confused,
"She has been hiding her feelings for you ever since you two met. You are more than just a best friend to her, Michael. She loves you... she is in love with you." she whispered. Suddenly everything was blurred... my heart stopped beating for a second.
"Are you serious right now?" I asked whispering, almost out of breath. She simply nodded. "I have been feeling the same for the last couple of weeks or months... I just... wouldn't admit it to myself. I thought it was just a phase, but it's clearly not." I added. Her eyes grew wide.
"No way..." she said, I nodded. "You guys are... incredible." she then added and chuckled. "Damn, I knew it!" she said, making me smile.
"What?" I asked,
"I knew you two would end up together. I knew you would share the same feelings as her. You guys are soulmates." she explained, flashing me a big smile. I felt how I started blushing, thank god she couldn't notice since I was wearing a disguise.
"I don't know what to do, Tala..." I then said and sighed.
"Oh, trust me... you do know what to do." she replied and winked at me.

Do I? ...

March 1st, 1995
*Myra's POV*

I was now sitting on the floor of the playroom, playing with the kids. Even though I wasn't doing really good lately, these children always made my days a little bit brighter.
They are my therapy... I would be lost without them.

Suddenly, one of them started screaming "Michael!" I furrowed my brows and turned around, and indeed Michael was standing there with a big smile on his face.
I haven't seem him since... since we came back from the Holidays.

The kids immediately started running towards him, hugging his legs. He chuckled and hugged each one of them, while I stood up and walked towards the window, looking outside and trying to avoid him. What is he doing here?

"Come on kids, it's time for a snack!" Annie said, and brought the kids to the other room, leaving me and Michael alone. I could feel how he started walking closer, stopping behind me. That's when I felt his hand on my shoulder, making me gasp.
"Look at me..." he whispered. I gulped hard and slowly turned around, not looking into his eyes though. He then put his finger under my chin, forcing me to look at him. "Look at me, Myra..." he whispered again, that's when our eyes met. His chocolate brown eyes... god how I missed them. I gulped.
"W-what are you doing here?" I whispered, he smiled.
"I missed you." he whispered and shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes making him giggle.
"For real... what are you doing here?" I asked again,
"I need to talk to you." he replied before releasing a sigh.
"About what?" I asked while crossing my arms.
"I've filed divorce papers to Lisa... it's going to need some time, I think we are not going to be officially divorced before the end of the year, but... it's going over there." he said.
"You did what?" I asked surprised while raising one of my eyebrows, "why did you do that?" I asked.
"I was hoping for you to ask me this..." he then whispered and smiled brightly, while his cheeks turned into a light pinky shade. "I ... " he started, while looking down at his feet. "It's not her that I love." he said and looked back at me. I didn't know what to say... I started feeling anxious, like I knew what he is about to say, I'm just to scared to admit it. "It's you." he finally said. And that's... when my heart skipped more than a beat.

Suddenly everything was blurry and soon enough everything went black before my eyes...

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now