Chapter 9

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January 20th, 1994
*Myra's POV*

It has been five days since the last time I've seen Michael, five days since I left Neverland. Of course we talk over the phone every night, he said that he has been busy with the recording studio since Monday, that's why he couldn't stop by and say hello in person. I totally get it, I mean, he's a business man and I am busy with the children so it's obvious that we don't always have time to see each other... but I really do miss being in his company.

Today is Thursday, thank god the weekend is near.
I am now in the kitchen of the kindergarten preparing lunch for the kids, while they are in the playroom playing with their toys that Michael has brought last time.

I couldn't stop thinking at my magical weekend at the Ranch, when me and Michael played water balloon fight, or the way he fell on top of me and we both started tickling each other. Some would say it's childish, but for me it isn't. It's a beautiful thing when two friends get along like two little kids, or goof around like brother and sister.
But I have to admit... that when he fell on top of me, I did feel something more besides than a friend or brotherhood relationship.
How about when we were about to kiss while sitting in front of his fireplace? Damn, I almost forgot that...

Suddenly, one of the kids called me, so I left everything in the kitchen and ran to the playroom.

"What's wrong?!" I asked, Kira was now crying while Jacob looked confused.
"She stole my toy!" Jacob whined, I sighed.
"Why would you steal his toy, Kira?" I asked her gently, while bending down to face her. She kept crying without answering my question. "How about you play with your own toys and stop fighting with each other?" I then asked, she finally stopped crying and nodded.

Jacob stepped away and started playing with his toy again. Kira opened her arms as a sign that she wanted me to carry her, so I did. I picked her up and she cuddled with me, wrapping her tiny arms around my neck. I lulled her, until suddenly I started smelling something weird...

"Oh god! The kitchen!" I yelled, I immediately put Kira down and ran to the kitchen. There was fire everywhere on the stove, and soon the alarm went off. I was alone today, since Annie had an important appointment with her doctor, and well... that's what happens when you are left alone with over 10 children.

I grabbed a bucket full of water and started throwing it on the fire, but nothing happened. It only got worse. At some point the fire got bigger and I started coughing. The children!

I quickly ran over to the playroom and thank god they were okay.

"Okay kids, listen, put your shoes on as fast as possible, we need to leave!" I shouted, and they did as I said. Some of them started crying and I had to calm them down, but the more time went by the more the fire got extended.

Once they all put their shoes on, I opened the main door and walked out with them.

"Now, stay here in a line, hold each other's hands and whatever happens, don't move. Alright?" they all gave me a scared look and nodded.

I then started counting them to see if they were all here, but one was missing. Fuck!
The firefighters were taking too long to arrive, so I had to get in there and save the last child that was missing.

I took a deep breath and ran inside, making sure not to get burned. I started looking everywhere, but I couldn't see anyone!
That's when I heard crying, I looked over and there he was... that little boy sitting in the corner of a room, covering his face, crying and coughing.

I immediately rushed over to him with a blanket, wrapped him around and held him tight to my chest. I couldn't stop coughing, and the fire was now everywhere. I didn't know where to walk, and how to get to the exit.

"Shh, everything will be just fine baby, don't worry." I whispered, trying to calm him down. I then took a deep breath and started running towards the exit.

When I was finally outside, I noticed the firefighters. They all started running inside, besides one, he stayed with me.

"M'am are you okay?" he asked me, but I couldn't stop coughing.
"Myra!!!!" I heard a male voice shouting.

*Michael's POV*

I was in the car with my securities, making our way to get something to eat for launch before going back to the recording studio. We then drove by the kindergarten where Myra works, and that's when I noticed a lot of black smoke coming out everywhere from the building and a firefighter truck standing in front of the entrance.

I then peeked through and noticed Myra holding a child wrapped in a blanket and she wouldn't stop coughing. I immediately stepped out of the car and started running towards her, screaming her name.

Once I arrived I grabbed her and looked if she was hurt or burned.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I asked worried,
"I-I'm okay *cough* see if the kid *cough* is okay!" she said in between the coughing, I immediately grabbed the child and unwrapped him, he was fine. He wasn't hurt nor burned. The other children were standing all lined up against the wall holding each other's hand, and they were all extremely scared.
"He's okay!" I said trying to reassure her, before walking the little boy to the others. "Stay right here, okay?" I whispered, he nodded. I then quickly rushed back to Myra.
"Are you sure that you're okay?" I asked worried, once again. She looked at me. Her face was now all black.
"Y-yes, I'm okay." she whispered and coughed again,
"It's better if we get you to the hospital, just for safety." I then said,
"No! What about the children? I can't leave them here!" she exclaimed in a loud tone,
"M'am? The fire was put out." a fireman said, she simply nodded.
"Thank you." she mumbled, they nodded and left. "We need to call their parents..." she then whispered looking back at me. I nodded.

I waved my hand at my securities and they rushed over to me, helping me out to make her sit. She then called all the parents and shortly after they arrived and picked up their children.

"Mrs. Diaz, thank you so much for saving my child!" one of them said, she smiled weakly and nodded.

Once they all left I looked back at her.

"Can I escort you to the hospital now?" I whispered,
"Michael, I'm okay. I promise. I just wanna go home and take a shower." she said, I sighed and nodded.

I then walked her over to the car and we escorted her home. I couldn't leave her alone, I have to make sure that she really is okay. So I decided to stay with her, at least until Tala comes back home from work.

As soon as we arrived I escorted her inside, and while she walked into her room getting her clothes ready for a shower I walked to the door to talk to Bill.

"Bill, make sure to order lots of food and some medicines, just in case she'll need some." I said, he nodded.
"Yes, Sir." he replied and immediately started doing some phone calls.

After about 10 minutes, Bill came back with everything that I asked. I layed everything on the dining table and waited for Myra to come out, which she did shortly after. Her hair still wet from the shower, she was now all cleaned up and was wearing her pyjama. She looked shocked when she noticed the big amount of food on the table.

"Michael! You didn't have to-" she started but I immediately interrupted her.
"Stop complaining, you need food and medicines, and rest. Come on, let's eat." I said and smiled brightly at her, she looked deep into my eyes and flashed me a big smile. She ended up nodding and we both sat down, starting to eat the food.

She insisted that my securities needed to eat as well, and after arguing for a while they agreed.

We started chatting and she told me how that incident happened. I was mad at her co-worker Annie for leaving her alone today, it's obvious that one person can't keep an eye on so many children plus cooking something for them. But she did an amazing job today, she saved the children and she risked her own life for that.
I felt something in my chest and in my stomach... but I couldn't really understand what it is. She makes me feel ... some type of way. A way that I haven't experienced in a long long time.

After eating our food, she took her medicine and we both walked into her bedroom, while my securities stayed outside at the main door.
We cuddled up on her bed and watched TV.
At some point, I noticed that she fell asleep on my chest. I leaned in to look at her, and smiled like an idiot.
I am so lucky to have her as my best friend...

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now