Chapter 69

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October 1st, 1997
*Myra's POV*

Michael left yesterday, since he has rehearsal tomorrow. Hs stayed with me for two weeks, and during this period of time I feel like we've came closer again... this time we are truly trying to fight for our relationship.

The photo that the paparazzi's has taken of us that night when we had dinner, has been all over the News, the tabloids has started speculating, but Michael said to ignore them. And I'm trying. I really am.
He even offered me to go with him on Tour, to see him perform during his last five Shows, but in the end we thought that maybe it's better if I stay here.

I am doing a lot better now, I've fully recovered. Tala wouldn't stop having an eye on me, though, and how can I blame her? I barely killed myself and gave her the worst time of her life. I owe this girl everything. Really. She has been like a sister to me, a sister I've never had.

I was now sitting on the sofa with Tala, we were chatting when we heard the door bell ringing. I furrowed my brows in confusion, and looked at Tala as she walked to the door. A few seconds after I've seen my mother and my aunt Graciela step inside. My eyes went wide and I smiled brightly.

"Nanay? Tía?" I said and ran towards them, hugging them.
"Hola mi niña." my aunt said,
"My love." my mother said. I then stepped back and looked at them.
"What a beautiful surprise... I didn't know you were coming, I would've prepared." I said,
"If we would've told you it wouldn't have been a surprise, no?" my aunt joked,
"Please, come in and take a seat." I gently said, and walked them towards the sofa.
"How are you doing mi hija?" my aunt said,
"I'm doing good!" I replied and smiled brightly, my mother looked at me with a suspicious look.
"Why are you lying to us?" my mother then said, and my smile slowly disappeared. I gulped and looked over at Tala, who was slowly starting to walk inside the kitchen, hiding herself from me.
"Tala told you..." I whispered,
"Of course she did. We were extremely worried about you... you nearly killed yourself!" my mother said in a serious tone, but my aunt raised her arm and signed my mother to calm down.
"Mi niña... why did you do that? What happened?" my aunt softly asked, I released a sarcastic giggle.
"Tía, it's not like I did it on purpose. I've been having a hard time and I automatically reacted that way... it wasn't my intention to kill myself, at all." I explained, while looking at them. "But I'm good now, really. I've fully recovered and I'm doing better than ever." I added and smiled at her.
"That's what matters... come here, let me hug you." my aunt said opening her arms, I giggled and went to sit next to her, letting her embrace me in a sweet hug.

We then started chatting for a while, until it was time for dinner.
After we finished eating our meal, the four of us spent the night playing games and gossiping about stuff that women tend to gossip about.
I really enjoyed having my mother and my aunt here with us...

*Michael's POV*

I spent most of the day sleeping, feeling exhausted because of the long flight. I then had a meeting with Frank and the crew, to discuss some things about the rehearsal we have tomorrow and about the upcoming last five Shows of the Tour.

I wish Myra could be here with me right now, but I promised her that we would talk over the phone every night, and I literally can't wait to get back to my room and talk with her.

Around 5 p.m. I finally made it back to my room, and immediately grabbed my phone and called Myra. It is now 2 a.m. in Los Angeles and she is probably waiting awake to talk to me...

"Hello?..." she whispered, I smiled brightly.
"Hey... were you sleeping?" I asked while laying down on the bed,
"No, actually I was waiting to talk to you. Like we've promised." she whispered, I felt like blushing.
"You really stayed awake until 2 a.m. just to talk to me? Aren't you tired?" I asked worried, she chuckled.
"No, I'm not. How has your day been so far?" she replied,
"Exhausting, the jet lag is literally killing me. I also had a meeting with Frank and the crew, and I tried to hurry up as soon as possible to get back to my room so that I could call you." I explained and we both giggled,
"I also had a surprise today who kept me busy..." she said,
"What is it?" I asked curiously,
"My mom and my aunt arrived from Mexico." she said,
"Really? That's amazing..." I replied.

We kept chatting for a while, until I looked on the watch and noticed it was already 7 p.m., which means that it's 4 a.m. for her.

"Go sleep, it's already 4 in the morning and I can tell by your voice that you're tired." I said,
"Do I have to?" she replied in a weak and tired voice, I giggled.
"Myra... get some sleep." I repeated, and she sighed.
"Fine... good night, Michael." she whispered,
"Good night, Myra." I replied and then hung up.

After the long phone call with her, I had some dinner and layed in my bed watching TV until I fell asleep.

October 2nd, 1997

I was now in the Green Point Stadium in Capetown, South Africa, rehearsing with my crew.
Knowing the time schedule, I won't be back to the Hotel before midnight, which means that it's going to be 3 a.m. for Myra.
She said that she will wake up around that time to talk to me, and she then will get back to sleep after our phone call.

I truly feel sorry for her, it's incredible what she has to through because of me. But this also makes me love her more, no one ever did that for me.
That's what I mean, when I say that we complete each other. We are like the ying and yang... she is my better half.

After a long day of rehearsal, we all made our way back to the Hotel. I then took a long cold shower, and crawled into bed, before grabbing my phone and calling Myra. I was surprised, when she actually picked up.
Once again... we talked over the phone for a very long time, the only difference is, that this time we both fell asleep while we were still over the phone. Every here and then, I would wake up and I could hear her breathing throughout the phone. Believe it or not, but this is such an intimate moment to share with someone. It's not about sex... it's about intimacy.

My other half: Michael JacksonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum