Chapter 25

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October 31st, 1994
*Myra's POV*

It's spooky season! Today is Halloween, which is a very exciting day for the children in kindergarten.
We are going to prepare their costumes for tonight, because later tonight me and Annie are going on a walk around the hood, so that they can go ask trick or treat.

We had tons of costumes to prepare for each one of them.
There were spiderman costumes, princess costumes and a lot more.
The children were all super excited, and it made me happy to see them happy. It brings joy to my heart.

Michael has tried to reach out to me multiple times, but I kept ignoring him.
He even came to our apartment, but Tala said that I didn't have time to meet him, that I need time to myself. I was hurting inside... but Lisa was right, this is the best thing to do.

After a long day of work, we finally finished the costumes and helped the children to put them on. They all looked so cute.
When it was about time, they all lined up in a couple of two, grabbed their baskets and we started walking around the hood.
It took us a total of 1 hour, until we finished our Tour. And once we were done, we walked back to the kindergarten. Their parents were waiting outside to pick up their children.
We wished each other a Happy Halloween, before they left.

Me and Annie went inside to pick our stuff, before we both headed back to our homes.

When I arrived home, Tala was in the kitchen preparing dinner, since it was already 6 p.m.

"Hey. How was work? Did you do the tour around the hood?" she asked, while I was taking off my jacket before walking into the kitchen.
"It was good. And yea, we did. The kids loved it." I replied, she simply nodded. She looked weird though, something was going on... "are you okay? Did something happen while I was at work?" I asked.
"Uhmm.." she started, but got interrupted by the door bell ringing.
"I'll take it." I said and walked to the door, opening it. It was Javon, wearing a Halloween costume.
"Hi baby." he said smiling brightly before leaning in to peck my lips.
"Hi, Javon." I replied and welcomed him inside. "Why are you wearing a costume?" I asked in a playful tone,
"Tala didn't tell you? We're going to a Halloween Party at the Neverland Ranch." he said excitedly, I gulped and looked over at Tala.
"No... she didn't tell me." I said firmly,
"I was about to tell her before you arrived." she said, shrugging her shoulders.
"Well.. I can't go. I don't have a costume." I then said looking back at Javon.
"Oh, you do. It's on your bed!" Tala shouted from the kitchen.
"Pardon?" I asked surprised,
"I went out and got one for you and me." she said.

I then looked back at Javon again and he smiled brightly.

"Go get ready, baby." he said and pecked my lips once again, before walking into the kitchen to chat with Tala. I'm going to kill her for that... she knows that I have to keep a distance from Michael, why the hell did she agree on us going to a Halloween Party at Neverland????

I walked inside my room to see my costume, and it was a sexy-bloody-nurse outfit.

"I'm going to kill you, Tala." I mumbled to myself, before changing into that costume.

" I mumbled to myself, before changing into that costume

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(imagine this with blood)

I then quickly did my hair and makeup, before walking out of my room.
Tala and Javon were sitting around the dining table, since dinner was ready.

"Damn!" Javon said as his eyes traveled up and down on me,
"I knew it would look good on you!" Tala said and giggled. I rolled my eyes and took a seat as well, starting to eat our food before it was time to go.

*Michael's POV*

The Halloween Party is about to start, and I was wearing my werewolf costume that I used to wear for 'Thriller':

The Halloween Party is about to start, and I was wearing my werewolf costume that I used to wear for 'Thriller':

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Lisa has decorated the entire Ranch with spooky and terrifying decorations. I didn't really agree on this, but since she wanted to do it so bad I had no other choice.

Soon the guests started to arrive, and the entire Ranch was filled with people. Even the Neverland Disco was now full with people in their costumes, music was also playing.

At some point, I noticed three people walking in the Ranch. And I could recognise her even miles away...
Myra. She was wearing a sexy-bloody-nurse costume... and she looked perfect.
I immediately rushed towards her, grabbing her hand and pulling her further away.

"Myra! God, I have been trying to reach out to you in so long. Where have you been?" I asked while looking at her, yet she kept avoiding my look.
"I've been busy." she simply said, I then put my index finger under her chin forcing her to look at me.
"Myra, what's wrong? Why are you acting so weird? Did I do something?" I asked worried,
"No. Sorry Mike, Javon's probably looking after me." she replied and walked away in a hurry.

Suddenly I felt a strong pain in my chest...
It hurts me to see her acting like that towards me. I started asking myself tons of questions, but yet I couldn't understand what was going on.
What made her change like that? I'm sure I didn't do anything.

I tried running after her, but Lisa appeared and stopped me.

"Michael, leave her alone. She doesn't want to talk to you." she said, trying to move my face so that I could look at her, but my eyes were fixed on my best friend who was now walking into the Disco with Tala and her boyfriend. "Michael?" Lisa said, this time I looked down at her. I felt a lump starting to form in my throat.
"Sorry... I need some fresh air." I said and walked away.

I have tried to go to her apartment the last few days and weeks, I even talked to Tala... she definitely knew something but she didn't want to tell me.
She said that it was not Myra's choice, and that she was going to tell me whenever she feels ready to do so.
But I couldn't understand...
What was going on?

After I've calmed down, I walked into the disco as well, and everyone was having fun. They were all drinking, dancing, singing and having a good time.
At some point, I noticed Myra drinking something, she couldn't even stand straight. I looked after Javon, and he was in a corner making out with some other girl... that rat! I knew he was not the right one for Myra.
She clearly needed help, since she was drunk and no one was there for her. Her boyfriend was sticking his tongue in somebody else's throat while Tala... she disappeared.

I quickly walked over to her, and right when she was about to fall I grabbed her hips and held her tight.

"Myra... hey... come with me." I whispered gently, she then looked over at me.
"I'm not going anywhere with you..." she said in a weird tone, she was so drunk.
"You need help, let me walk you inside." I replied and tried to help her walk out of the Disco, but she couldn't even walk.

So I picked her up in bridal style, and left in a hurry, walking inside the house and making my way in one of the guest rooms, softly placing her down on the soft mattress.
I then took her shoes off and tucked her under the bedsheets.

"Michael?" she whispered, trying to reach out after my hand.
"I'm here, Myra..." I whispered back, cupping her face with my hand.
"I-I'm so sorry..." she then said and started crying. I sat down next to her.
"What are you sorry for?" I asked confused,
"She told me to keep my distance for you... I had no other choice..." she replied in between her sobs. Who was she referring to?
"Myra, what are you talking about?" I asked again, while caressing her cheek.
"Y-your wife..." she then said before falling asleep. Lisa? Lisa told her to keep her distance from me? Why would she do that?

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now