Chapter 22

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July 7th, 1994
*Myra's POV*

I woke up like usual today, took a shower and got ready before leaving to go to work.

When I arrived in the kindergarten, I gasped when I've seen all the children who shouted 'happy birthday' , and that's when I noticed that Michael was there too. The playroom was full of colorful balloons, there was even a banner that said 'Happy Birthday Myra'.
I smiled widely and covered my face with my hands.

"How sweet... thank you very much!" I then said, the children started running towards me and hugged my legs. I bend down and hugged them back.

When I got back up, Michael stepped closer with a big smile plastered on his face.

"Happy Birthday, maganda." he whispered, before embracing me in a sweet hug.
"Thank you, applehead." I whispered back, while hugging him tight. He then slightly stepped back and places a soft kiss onto my cheek, making me blush.
"So... what are you going to do today?" he asked excitedly,
"Uhm... work?" I replied and giggled.
"Come on, for real." he then said,
"I'm being honest. You know that I have to work and I'm not going to be back home until 5." I replied honestly, while taking off my jacket and hanging it on the wall.
"Not today, Myra. You can go home sooner. Celebrate your birthday! You only have the chance to do it once every year." Annie said, smiling widely at us.
"Forget it, I'm not going home sooner." I said firmly,
"Myra... you are working too much. I understand that you love your job and that the children are your priority... but working too much isn't good. You need some time for yourself too." Michael said, looking deep into my eyes.
"Says the workaholic himself." I joked and smiled confidently. "Listen.. I love my job and I need this job. In three years that I've worked here, I never left sooner. And it's definitely not going to happen today." I added.
"Fine... alright then... if you're not going to listen to me with the good manners then I'll have to use the bad ones. See you later, maganda." he said before placing another kiss on my cheek, waving goodbye at the kids and leaving. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

I looked over at Annie and she simply smiled and shrugged her shoulders.
I decided to ignore it, since I didn't feel like fighting today. I can't even remember the last time that I've celebrated my birthday... for the past three years that I've been living here, I've spent my birthday at home with Tala. We would drink some wine and watch a film, nothing more nothing less.

Since my dad died, celebrating my birthday wasn't the same anymore... I remember when I was a little kid, he would surprise me in the morning with tons of balloons, cake, candies and presents. After school he would pick me up and we would go to the movies, or at the park, or go shopping. He always said: 'mi niña, recuerda... celebrar un cumpleaños es algo hermoso. Es un regalo de dios, que te recuerda que te queda otro año de vida. Nunca sabes lo que la vida te depara el próximo año. Así que disfruta de este día especial completamente para ti y se agradecido, incluso cuando me haya ido. (my child, remember... celebrating a birthday is a beautiful thing. It's a gift from god, reminding you that you've had another year to live. you never know what life has in store for you
next year... so enjoy this special day entirely for yourself and be thankful, even when I'm gone.)

While thinking back at his words I felt how a lump started to form in my throat... and soon enough, I found myself sobbing in tears into the palm of my hands.

"Te extraño mucho, papa." (I miss you so much dad) I whispered to myself,
"Myra?! Hey, are you okay? What's wrong?" Annie asked worried, while walking closer to me.
"I-it's just... I miss my dad." I said, and she immediately embraced me in a sweet hug.

After I've calmed down, I explained to her the entire situation why I don't like celebrating my birthday anymore... and now she understands better why I think the way I do. I've never told anyone before, besides Tala. Not even Michael...

My other half: Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now