Chapter 62

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May 27th, 1997
*Myra's POV*

Michael has left yesterday, in four days he has a Show in Germany, and he had to leave earlier so that he and his crew could rehearse.

He said that I could go over to the Ranch to visit Prince whenever I like. Am I going to do it? I don't know yet. I mean, Debbie lives there too now.

Anyway, things between us kept going pretty good. I tried to ignore the press, who kept talking about me and the so called 'love triangle'. Michael told me to not get so upset about it, because the media and the press will always find something to talk about even if it's not true. And he's right.
I can't really tell how far we've came, the only thing I know is that we spend good time together... we chat, we joke around, we hang out, we watch films, and... we have a lot of sex. Better than the sex we've had while we were dating, to be honest. It seems like it keeps getting better and better every time.

Today I am staying at home by myself, not really knowing what to do. I just came out of the shower and put some comfortable clothes on, and I was now walking into the kitchen to prepare some food, when I suddenly heard the door bell ringing.
I walked over and opened the door, and literally gasped when I noticed who was now standing in front of me.

"Lisa? What are you doing here?" I said almost whispering, completely out of breath. She smiled.
"Hi, Myra. Nice to see you too. May we have a talk?" she asked, I gulped. I then stepped aside and welcomed her inside, even though I started feeling anxious, not knowing what she wanted to talk about with me. I then closed the door and offered her to sit down on the sofa, which we did.
"Do you want something to drink?" I gently asked,
"No, thank you." she replied, I nodded and sat down.
"So, uhm... what did you wanted to talk about?" I curiously asked, she grinned.
"Glad you asked... I wanted to talk about you and Michael." she said confidently while crossing her legs.
"Me and Michael? I don't understand..." I replied, trying not to sound anxious. She giggled. It sounded more like a sarcastic giggle to me.
"Oh, you do know what I'm talking about. You have been around him for all these years, even when he was married to me. You stole him from me, and now you're trying to do the same with Debbie. You really think I don't know that you are fucking him?" she then hissed, and my heart was now skipping more than a beat.
"What the fuck are you talking about, Lisa?" I said in a pissed tone, she giggled again.
"I have proof. I know what you and him are up to, and if you don't leave him and his family alone, I will report it to the press. Your life will be your personal nightmare. Understood?" she whispered in a serious tone, like she was trying to scare me. I gulped, and balled my hands in two fists.

Anger was starting to take advantage over me, my breath was now heavy, I couldn't think straight anymore... my mind and my vision was foggy, and the only thing I wanted to do was to punch her in the face. And unfortunately... I did.
She groaned and her nose now started bleeding.

"Are you completely insane?!" she yelled while a tear rolled down her cheek,
"If you come into my house one more time, and try to blackmail me, I will make your life your personal hell. Understood? And now leave." I hissed, she immediately grabbed her purse and left.

I walked back and forth in my living room, still angry as hell. I then grabbed a vase and threw it on the floor, releasing a loud scream. That bitch! I never liked her. Never! And I was right, I had a good motive why I didn't like her. She's a devil!
Even though I didn't understand what kind of 'proof' she has, I don't have another choice... I can't put my life on such a high risk, where she could expose my personal and intimate life to the media. I have to keep my distance from Michael. Now for real.
I knew it, it was impossible for us to go back and rebuild everything that has been broken... there is no more chance for us. We can't save our relationship. It's over....

I then sat on the floor, bringing my knees to my chest, and started sobbing. I felt like dying inside... I lost him again.

*Michael's POV*

I am now in the Weserstadion in Bremen, Germany, rehearsing for my next show in four days.

I had to leave yesterday, even though I didn't want to leave. I have a newborn baby at home, which I am already missing like crazy. And then there's Myra... I feel like we came closer in time, and I just miss her, I miss having her around and holding her in my arms.
I really hope that we can somehow work things out.

After a long day of rehearsal, we all made our way back to the Hotel to get some rest. Once I arrived in my room, I took a quick shower and put my pyjamas on.
When I walked back into my room, I heard my phone ringing, and I immediately picked up.

"Jackson." I said,
"Mike? It's me, Frank..." he said,
"Hey Frank" I replied and sat down on my bed, he sighed. "Everything okay?" I asked confused,
"Uhmm.. have you seen the News already?" he whispered in a serious tone,
"N-no, why?" I asked worried,
"Turn the TV on..." he said.

I immediately grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. My heart skipped a beat, when the News Channel showed a photo of Lisa-Marie and one of Myra.

"Breaking News: Lisa-Marie Presley, has just reported that Myra Diaz, Jackson's ex girlfriend, has used violence against her, breaking her nose. It is still unknown, if Mrs. Presley plans to report Mrs. Diaz to the police. If she does so, Mrs. Diaz could risk up to one year of prison." the Lady said, leaving me completely speechless and shocked.

"Mike? You still there?" Frank said over the phone, I gulped.
"What happened?" I asked trying to remain calm,
"We don't exactly know yet, but someone said that they have seen Lisa go to Myra's apartment, and when she left she had a bloody nose." Frank explained, I immediately hung up on him and tried calling Myra... I called at least three times in a row but she wouldn't pick up. In the end I decided to call Tala, and thank god she picked up.
"Hello?" she said,
"Tala?? What the hell happened?" I asked worried, while walking back and forth in my hotel room.
"Calm down..." she whispered, then I heard a noise, like she would have closed a door. "Mike, the situation is horrible here... Lisa came and blackmailed Myra, she got angry and punched her right in the face." Tala explained to me, whispering.
"Blackmailed her? Why would Lisa blackmail Myra?" I asked confused,
"That's another story... she said that she has to keep her distance from you, or she will expose to the media her intimate relationship with you. She says she has proof." she replied, "now let's hope that she's not going to report Myra or it's going to get real bad." she added. I released a heavy sigh.
"Listen... I'll contact my lawyer, I'll tell him to reach out to you, and I will be there as soon as possible. Try to calm her down, okay?" I said,
"Mike, no. You don't understand. She is over with you. She can't risk to expose her intimate and private life. If Lisa really has some proof, you are going to ruin Myra's life. You two have to keep your distances for now... for the sake of Myra's life." Tala said, and I felt a lump starting to form in my throat. She's right... "I know it's hard, but trust me, it's the right thing to do." she added after a few seconds of silence,
"Alright ... I'll contact my lawyer." I then said,
"Okay... thank you, Mike. I'll reach out to you as soon as I have some news, okay?" she then gently replied,
"Yes, please. Thank you. Bye Tala." I said and hung up.

I then immediately called my lawyer, Mr. Mesereau, and explained to him the entire situation. He said that he will do anything that is possible to help Myra, and he will update me as soon as there are any news.

That night... I couldn't sleep. I had too many thoughts in my mind, I tried to understand why Lisa would do something like that, but I couldn't understand.
Now because of her, I've lost Myra once again... and I feel like this is for real.

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