Iida x Reader

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No one's POV

"I don't know what to do, Denki! He doesn't approve of students being in romantic relationships, let alone him being in one!"

You ranted to your best friend, Denki Kaminari, about your crush, Tenya Iida. Ever since Kaminari had found out about your crush, he had insisted you come to him for advice.

"Listen, all you have to do is flirt with him! He'll be swept off his feet!" the blonde reassured you.

"I don't know..."

"Trust me! It worked for Jirou." he said.

"But that was just you being you! Maybe if I be myself?"

"You can be yourself while also dropping a few pick up lines. It's a fail proof plan!" he proposed.



"Hey, Iida!" you called out, trying to look much more confident than you felt. Denki was lurking just around the corner, silently egging you on.

"Yes, L/N? How may I help you?" the class rep asked politely, turning around to face you.

"I was just wondering if you had a fire quirk... 'Cause you're hot."


So, so, so cringe.

How the crap did I let Denki convince me to say that!?

"No, I have a speed quirk. Did you forget?" He asked, looking extremely confused.

You could almost hear Denki facepalming from somewhere behind you.

"Uh... Yeah... I must be confusing you with Todoroki..." you muttered, blushing.

You promptly turned around a walked off in the opposite direction.

Well that was a disaster.


"... And then she asked me if I have a fire quirk because I'm hot. It was an odd encounter indeed."

You almost dropped your food tray as you heard Iida tell his best friends, Uraraka and Deku, about what had happened earlier.

You just about died of shame and didn't stay long enough to hear their reactions as you practically ran to take your seat at the Bakusquad table.

"What happened to you?" asked Mina as soon as she saw you.

"What do m-mean?" you asked nervously

"Your face."

"Hey! That's not very nice! I know I'm ugly, but-" you started

"I meant, why is it red?" Mina corrected herself.

"Oh... Uh... W-well.." you stuttered. "I just did something embarrassing..."

Mina leaned forward, food completely forgotten.

"Ima need details."

You sighed, resigned to get this over with.

"I, stupidly, went to Denki for dating advice and it completely backfired."

"Denki!? Out of all of your friends, you went to DENKI for dating advice!?"

You winced.

"I know it was stupid, but I was desperate!" you said.

"Who were you trying to ask out?" spoke up Jiro.

You promptly turned tomato red.

"Well?" grinned Mina.

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