10|Here comes the bride!|

Start from the beginning

An hour later,

we arrived.

" Whoa,there is a whole town down here." I awed.

"Guys,this is it."said Stella.

"This is Downland?"ask Bloom.

"That's funny,last time i arrived on the other side of town.Oh well at least we're here."said Stella.

Lockette,who is Bloom's pixie,gasps.  "Watch out someone is coming."said Sky.

"Let's hide!"I said.

We hid as a weird looking guard passed by.

"What an unhealthy looking skin."said Tune.

"He's gone.All right let's go find Brandon but stay out of sight."said Bloom.

"And we go back to Alfea."I add which earned me some weird faces and glares from Stella.

We advance while staying hidden.  We were on the side of a house when a guard stopped by it.  Lucky for us he hasn't turned to see us yet.

"We'll never get by.We need a distraction."whispered Sky.

"Is this what you want?"whispered Aisha as she gave him a rock.

Sky threw the rock in other direction.  When the guard went there,we run but Stella fell down.

"Stella."whispered Bloom.

There is not enough time.The guard is gonna come back.

"Hurry,everyone inside now."said Sky open a house's door.

We just run in. Bloom and Stella were last as Bloom was holding Stella.  We close the door which I think was loud.  I stood on one side of the door while Sky stood on the other,ready to attack.  We heard loud footsteps just outside the door.

"Not a sound."whispered Sky.

"Stella what's wrong?"whispered Bloom.

"I'm starting to get those dizzy spells again."said Stella as Sky shushed them.

When we hear footsteps going away we sigh a big relief.  We heard something again and Sky took his sword out.  The door opened and a cat stroll in.

"We're safe."said Bloom.

When we were resting a bit,we were ready to go.

"Okay the coast is clear."said Aisha as she peaked outside.

We all run along the streets and we also lost the pixies.

"Guys the pixies?"i said.

We all stopped.

"Where are they?"asked Aisha.

"Not again..."said Bloom.

Then we heard the pixies again.

"There they are!"said Chatta.

"The pixies!"whispered Aisha.

"Sky watch out!"said Chatta loudly.

There was a big guy behind him and he was about to hit him.  And he hit him.  Long story short we fought back a little but mostly run away and we got captured by the guards when a giant worm eating rock block us.  Now we were getting taken away,probably taking us to prison.

"Let go!"I said as I try to wiggle out the guard, who was holding me,grip.  We were passing right by Brandon wedding ceremony. One word YIKES.

"Let us go!"said Sky struggling also.

All of us were struggling.  I kick the guard who was holding Stella and when he let go Stella ran to the edge.

"BRANDON!"yelled Stella.

"STELLA!"we heard Brandon yelled back.

"What's going on here?"a guy ask who I presume is the king.

"They are just some prisoners,Your Majesty."said the priest/the one marrying Brandon.

"Come on think of something.We have to stop this wedding."said Sky.

"Yeah and what?"I said.

"Will put them in a cell.Put them with the others."said a fat,ugly lady whose is the queen.

"No!They are my relatives."said Brandon.

"Huh."I said.

"Oh really?In that case they can watch but we'll keep an eye on them.One can never trust in-laws."said Queen.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah watch your weight while you're at it." I mumbled and bloom nudged me and I awkwardly smiled.

"There is always commotion for nothing.Proceed."said the King.

Stella bit the guard and went again to the edge.

"BRANDON NO!"yelled Stella but a guard put a knife to her throat.

"These rings represent the seal of love between bride and groom."said the priest as he hold the rings.

Stella was crying.

"But first fertility bliss.This gift may you be blessed with many children."said the priest as a girl gave the princess a bouquet of flowers.

"You can't leave me like this."cried Stella.

Poor Stella....

"They are perfect.Gorgeous and they smell divine."said the princess as she smell the bouquet.

"Hey guys,those pink flowers look very familiar."said Aisha.

"Oh my."said the princess as she drop the bouquet.

"Your highness.Princess,what's wrong?"asked the priest.

"It's as if the love in my heart multiplied a million times.It's overwhelming."said the princess.

"My love.Where is my love?"asked the princess.

"She's clearly got some screw lose or something..." I mumbled.

"What's wrong with you girl?This a joke?Your fiancé is right there."said the queen.

"Him?Why?Just look at him,how could i ever love such an ugly creature."said the princess in disgust.

"My husband.Where's my husband?"asked the princess.


"SPONCIS MY LOVE!"said the princess as  she ran to him.

They both run to each other.  We were free and apparently, it was Amorea who solved the situation by placing a love rose in the bouquet.  So we are back on the OWL and going home.  After this adventure,i'm gonna need a long,steamy and relaxing shower.

"All is well that ends well."said Chatta as Brandon and Stella was glued to each other.

"All thanks to you Amorea."I beamed.

"Hey Brandon,What's with the bottles of juice?"asked Riven.

"It's a gift from Sponcis.He felt pretty bad about stealing my bride."said Brandon as I giggled.

"I feel sorry for him.He'll never survive in the clutches of that monster."said Riven.

"Hey guys,who do you think our handsome mysterious paladin was?" I wondered.

"I don't know."said Bloom.

Who was he really?

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