"Did Xiao Xi like your post?" Pei Hao felt envious, blinking as he stared at the screen.

Without a care in the world, Egg Brother glanced at him, not responding. But when he wasn't paying attention, his phone was snatched away. Pei Hao acted as if he had won a treasure, holding onto the phone tightly.

"Alright, you're nearly smiling from ear to ear," Egg Brother looked at him, amused by the way Pei Hao was acting like a fool. He looked disdainfully and added, "She liked my post, not yours."

Since breaking up with Mo Xi, Pei Hao had become increasingly silent. He only seemed to show a smile when the topic of Mo Xi came up.

Egg Brother was also frustrated. He had advised Pei Hao countless times to treasure the relationship, but Pei Hao had refused. Now, after all this time, he was regretting it. What's the point?

Moreover, it had been two years since they broke up. Mo Xi had moved on and started a new life. Pei Hao was still trapped in his memories, unable to let go.

They had even tried to introduce potential partners to Pei Hao, but he didn't give them the time of day. Once, a guy who was interested in Pei Hao had come to his house, but Pei Hao had chased him away with harsh words.

Back when he was still a cheerful and sunny young man, he had become miserable. Egg Brother felt annoyed just thinking about it. He couldn't help but throw a sarcastic comment: "I've realized you're really stubborn. When you were with Xiao Xi, you had to like Fu Yan. Now you're fixated on Mo Xi."

Upon hearing this, Pei Hao's smile froze on his lips. When he looked up, a layer of sadness enveloped him. He stared into space and murmured to himself, "Perhaps this is retribution."

Seeing that he had said the wrong thing, Egg Brother decided to

 keep his sharp tongue in check. But looking at Pei Hao's desolate expression, he still wanted to give him one more piece of advice: "Xiao Xi is doing well in the United States. Can't you just leave him alone?"

"He's not doing well," Pei Hao shook his head, his eyes downcast, a sense of disappointment in his eyes. "He's working and studying at the same time. He's exhausted every day."

He had read these details in Mo Xi's posts. Even after going to the United States, Mo Xi still occasionally posted updates on his life. In his most recent post, he had written:

"Sometimes I wonder why I went abroad. Working and studying at the same time is really exhausting! I almost collapse into bed every day when I get home, and I'm constantly worried about not being able to pay next semester's tuition."

So, before attending Fu Yan's wedding, Pei Hao had approached Da Bai for help again, but this time Mo Xi adamantly refused to accept any money from Da Bai. These days, Pei Hao had been greatly troubled by this matter.

He hesitated whether to tell Xiao Xi's sister, but he also understood that doing so would only make Xiao Xi resent him even more. Yet, when he thought about Xiao Xi working tirelessly day and night, burdened by tuition fees, he felt uneasy.

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