Ch20: Slept with a man

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Flying from the sky on the way to Orario, Angelina flew over the group. Luckily for them, She heard the call.

"Mister Silverash?" 

Lowering herself, the bunch stopped from running.

"We need you to relay a message to the Dokutah and Dr Kal'tsit." Silverash said.

"Skadi is in trouble! Ishar'mla took over her!" 

Gladiia said in a frantic manner.


Hearing this, Angelina fumbled and decided to leave immediately.

"Tch, they're fading a lot faster than I thought."

Specter frowns as the tears were slowly fading away.

In the distance, a loud screech was heard. everyone knew who made that sound.

"She's crying. . ."

Specter's statement made the others with them look at her.

"We should pinpoint where she would stop. We can't keep pursuing without any reinforcements." Gladiia states.

"Very well, Should we head to camp or should we set it up instead?"

Silverash asked the group.

"I think it's fine to set up camp here. The space is enough for a few tents." Blaze said, completely tired.

"Can you two pinpoint where Skadi is heading towards?" 

Shining asked.

"We can feel seaborn presences a few kilometers away. Maybe Skadi is heading there because She thinks she'll be safer with her kind?" 

Specter thinks for a bit.

"It's not just Skadi. I feel even more Seaborn presences. " Gladiia added.

"So. . . It's dangerous?" Suzuran asked.

"Very. We have to proceed with High caution when fighting against them. lest, you'd want to go crazy or paralyzed." Gladiia answers.

"Don't we have coworkers that specialize in treating that type of injury?" 

Shining asked. 

"We do?" Suzuran asked.

"I think we do. I've met some of them. I'm sure your little 'Girlfriend' Knows one of them as well, Specter." 

Blaze spoke, Smirk filling her face. Hearing this, Specter Blushed.

"She isn- Whatever! Skadi's gone ahead of you anyway!"

"Hm?? What-"

"She's already slept with a man."

Hearing Specter's statement, The two women who came for the abyssal hunters were shocked. Though Silverash was Indifferent to it, he was a bit interested in the topic.  Poor little Lisa was very bright red, Even more so than Surtr's Red hair.


"That's what you're worried about?"Gladiia asked.

"What about you and ace? Are you-"

"N-NO!! W-we-. . . We aren't like that. . ." Blaze said with a very noticeable blush.

"Is that so?" Silverash asked.

A few minutes later, they finished laying out their camping equipment. Around that time, Tenzin, Silverash's Eagle had come back. Other than that, The sun had set and Along the distance, Loki familia executives had been spotted by Shining. And from the Looks of things, The familia had noticed their group as well.


Sitting on its makeshift throne, The creature sighed.

Though It's children had done its job and had been reproducing, He hadn't been entertained by anything at the moment. 

"Tch. . ."

Munching on yet another Monster Core, A loud screeching noise shook the Cave It was in.

"This presence. . . ." 

Frowning, It was enraged.

"Those bitches are still chasing me huh. . . Somehow the presence was a lot stronger than before."

Pondering about the reason why, It finally remembered.

"There's that Slut that felt like. . . Heh. . . Heheheheh. . . HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I SEE!!!"

" That Slut finally Gave in to Ishar'mla. Giving in to the only thing They try to eradicate. HAH, What a Laughingstock. From a hunter to the Firstborn, Pathetic."

Grinning,  it feels the presence Pass by where It was residing in.

"How about I make her my slave. . ? It's a good Idea."

If it got it's hands on Ishar'mla, It'd be able to force produce his Seaborn Children and reproduce even faster.

'Then, Not only will I be able to Conquer this world faster, I'll have a sexual stress relief as well!'

Cackling loudly, It orders some of Its Children to Emerge and Converge at the Location where Ishar'mla could possibly be residing. And if possible, Capture it.

"Now the events have turned it's tables. Things are shaping up to Turn Interesting."

Left with half of the original children, It continues to tend to the eggs containing  Huaji's and Reapers.

"If that slut is here, The other two might be here as well. . . I'll probably be able to create a breeding nursery If I could control them. The Problem is. . . "

It could not think of a way to activate the seaborn blood in their blood. 

"Especially that crazy Bitch. . . She has it in her Neural System. . . Maybe I could. . . ."

Figuring a plan out, It grins once more and scratches something.

"Maybe I could actually pull it off. . ."

Ordering some of its children to mess with the abyssal hunters, It began trying to produce eggs once more.


"So it's like that. . ." Finn pondered.

"We can't keep chase without being prepared." Gladiia stated.

"That Is true. . . Are you sure we can catch up with her tomorrow?" Riveria asked.

Apparently, Ais and Finn had a hunch and decided to go and postpone the upcoming expedition because of it. By the time the group returned, They find Loki pacing back and forth with a worried expression, and a very trashed training area. 

Of course, the executives thought a rival Familia tried messing with them, but Loki explained that it was a result of the spar between Skadi and her friends. They continued to ask details until they learned of what happened, after that, the rest was history.

"I'm sure of it. Right now, We're waiting for our reinforcements." Gladiia said.

As the core members were discussing, Ais and Lefiya sat on a rock a little further from the group. While Ais looked with a frown, Lefiya looked at her with worry.

"Ais. . . Is there something bothering you?"

Ais shook her head as she glanced at the orange skies.

"They're all strong. Probably stronger than Skadi."

Hearing this, Lefiya tilted her head.


"That Kid could possibly be strong as well."


Lefiya looked at the 'Renard' with multiple tails. They had never seen a Renard with multiple tails.

"That man as well." 

Ais said as she looked at Silverash with interest.

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