✽.✫☽ 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟼 ☾✫.✽

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Word count: 2148
{Listen while you read?~I recommend Skip A Rope by Logan Ledger}


As the first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon, Dixie made her way back to the sheriff's office. She knew she had to release Eli and Jonah before her father, the sheriff, arrived and discovered his own deputies locked up in their own jail.

As she approached the jailhouse, her steps quickened, and she fumbled for the keys on her belt. Unlocking the door, she swung it open to find Eli and Jonah groggily waking up from their slumber. They blinked in confusion, rubbing their temples as the realization of their predicament slowly dawned on them.

Dixie couldn't help but grin mischievously at their disheveled appearance. "Morning, boys," she greeted them with a hint of amusement. "I trust you both had a restful night?"

Eli groaned, while Jonah muttered something incoherent. Dixie knew they would be nursing more than just headaches after their night in the cell.

Just as she was about to release them, a familiar face emerged from the shadows. Dixie froze, her heart pounding in her chest. It was Rusty Buckshot, the man she had believed to be dead since the day Jesse died.

Their eyes locked, and a mixture of shock and disbelief washed over Dixie. "Rusty?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Rusty's weathered face broke into a weary smile. "Dixie, I thought I'd never see you again," he replied, his voice filled with a mix of relief and sadness. "I've been trying to find you since that day."

Dixie's emotions swirled, memories flooding back in a rush. She had mourned Rusty's loss, believing him to be killed and trapped in the mine collapse along with Jesse. But here he stood, alive and standing before her.

Before she could gather her thoughts, Dixie found herself enveloped in a bittersweet embrace as Rusty held her tight. The weight of the past and the uncertainties of the future hung in the air as they began to catch up on the years they had lost.

And as the morning sun bathed them in its golden glow, Dixie knew that her life had taken another unexpected turn, one that would challenge her loyalty, test her resilience, and remind her of the power of second chances.

After a moment of bittersweet reunion with Rusty, Dixie gathered herself and stepped back from the embrace. She knew she had a responsibility to release Eli and Jonah before anything else. With a conflicted expression, she turned her attention to the drunken deputies.

"Alright, you two, time to face the day," Dixie said, her voice carrying a mix of amusement and exasperation. She unlocked the cell door, and Eli and Jonah stumbled out, still nursing their hangovers.

As the deputies stumbled their way out of the cells, Dixie glanced over at Rusty, who stood patiently, watching the scene unfold. There was a gentle eagerness in his eyes, as if he wanted to be a part of her life once again.

Dixie hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of the past and the present collide within her. The memories of Jesse, her beloved fiancé, and the recent heartbreak she had endured with John, still lingered in her heart.

With Eli and Jonah finally on their feet, though still a bit wobbly, Dixie turned her attention back to them. "You two better get yourselves together and make sure my father doesn't find out about this little escapade."

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