Maya: GO

Oliver runs upstairs and grabs his videos games and run back downstairs and handed them to his mother

Maya: you keep disobeying me and disrespecting your elders you won't be able to sit for a week

Oliver: mom that's embarrassing

Maya: then behave yourself

Oliver: I'm too old anyways

Maya: your fifteen

Oliver: exactly

Maya: your never too old to get your ass whooped

Oliver: whatever

Maya: what was that

Oliver: mom I really need to attend that party

Maya: I said no

Oliver: please

Maya: no

Oliver: this sucks

Maya: dinner will be here soon

Oliver: I'm not hungry

Maya: then you can go to your room

Oliver: can I at least watch tv

Maya: no your grounded

Oliver: ugh

Maya: go do some homework or something and drop the attitude

At James house*

James walked in the kitchen and saw J.J was nowhere to be found and the dishes weren't done.



James: NOW

J.J runs downstairs

J.J: yes

James: why isn't the dishes done

J.J: um

James: that's not an answer

J.J: I didn't want to do them anymore

James: come here

J.J: daddy

James: now

J.J: okay

J.J walks toward his father and his father grabs him by the ear and guided him towards the couch in the living room

J.J: ow daddy let go

James: you do what I say or you get your ass whooped now over my knee

J.J: no daddy I go do them now

James pulls J.J over his knee and starts spanking him

J.J: daddy stop please your hurting me

James: you do as I say

J.J: okay

James: you will do your chores and you will not say no to me understand me

J.J: yes sir please stop

J.J started crying

James: stand up

J.J: I'm sorry

James: go do your chores and then go to bed I don't want to hear anything else from you for the rest of the night now go

J.J: yes sir

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