16 | Sanji's past

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"I'm the first born child of the Vinsmoke family, we were a family of seven. After me came four other brothers, Ichiji, Niji, Sanji and Yonji. Sanji was always smaller, shorter and weaker, so he was treated differently. This was because my father, Judge, made my mother take a medicine so that all her children would have superhuman abilities. It worked but... My mother took a drug before she had Sanji, making it so he would be normal and live a normal life, even though it would affect her own. When Sanji was born, he was far weaker than the rest of us, he was always more emotional. My mother died shortly after, but my father didn't seem to care, all he cared about was making the five of us become strong soldiers for Germa. Judge made us start to train at an extremely young age, and it was clear that Sanji didn't have any genetic mutations like the rest of us. My father always pushed Sanji to the extreme, sometimes even having soldiers beat him until he could barely succeed. My brothers were born without emotions, so they are technically heartless monsters. That's why they took fun out of verbally and physically abusing Sanji, they did it every single day until he could barely walk. I wasn't able to stop them, because they would have hurt me as well. I still remember Sanji crying out to my father and asking him to help, Judge only then encouraged my brothers torture. Soon enough, Judge didn't have a use for Sanji, so he threw him into a cell at the bottom of the castle and declared him dead. But of course, me and my brothers still knew that he was alive... no matter how much I tried to protect him... I couldn't. My brothers found his cell and humiliated him for hours on end, the humiliation came to abuse and then abuse came to torture. The worst part of it was when my brothers let several guards do whatever they liked with Sanji. Of course, the guards sexually assaulted my brother, they asked my other brothers if they could come back again. And then... they sexually abused my brother for a whole year. Every day, Ichiji would bring in another group after the other, they watched and laughed as my little brother screamed and cried for them to help him, but the help never came. That was until I was done with their bullshit, I took the key and set Sanji free. I took him to a beach where a boat had docked, I pushed him and told him to run as far away from that hell hole as he possibly could. I guess that ship was owned by this Zeff you talked about? I endured punishment from my father when he found out that I let Sanji free. But I don't regret it, he's living a much better life then he would if I hadn't let him run away. So, any questions?"


Nami was crying by the end of Reiju's summary of their family.

"Holy shit... I really had no idea what he'd been through." She said through tears.

"I know, I hope he hasn't been to much trouble with his sudden outbursts." Reiju said, holding onto Nami's slim hand.

"No, not at all. I've loved every moment with him." Nami said.

"That's wonderful, I'm so happy I saw his bounty poster. He did get far, didn't he?"

"He did, and everyone is so proud of him." Nami smiled and looked up at Reiju.

"Well, I'm happy to have cleared everything up. I hope that helped."

"It really did, thank you so much Reiju." Nami stood up and hugged Reiju tight.

"No problem Nami."

Neither did both the girls know that another was crying, but he was out of view. Zoro's tried to stay silent as tears rolled down his cheeks. He clenched his fists to stop him from screaming, he was drowning in regret and guilt.

Why the fuck didn't he tell me...?

Hey guys, I just wanted to ask you to not flame me for the shit that I changed in Sanji's backstory. Yes, it's not accurate, but I'm losing my own sleep over this shit so deal with it.

Jk I love you guys



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