Chapter 149: The Home of the Brave

Comenzar desde el principio

"Yeah, I do," Anders responded.

"The advisors your government sent guided us along that path. The emperor, once a divine figure, was made into a symbol of unity rather than an absolute ruler. We did the same, repurposing the nobility, retaining their prestige but limiting their power. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Remille was instrumental in getting this done."

Anders smirked, surprised at Kaios' revelation. "I guess people really do change, huh?"

Kaios smiled, savoring the brief moment of light-heartedness punctuating the tense air. But alas, it did not last. He continued, "That was just the beginning. The vassal states were another hurdle. They hated us for what we did, and justifiably so. I'm just glad that your people were there as mediators."

Anders gave an understanding nod.

"Then came the toughest part," Kaios' voice became grim, "abolishing slavery. It wasn't just about the nobles. The slaves themselves... many we've had to send back home. Some didn't have a home to go back to, or no family left. Others were born and raised in captivity. Those who stayed behind in Parpaldia, they had no skills, no experience beyond servitude. But we had a plan. We set up schools and training centers under your people's guidance. It was a massive investment – one that is continuing is strain our coffers and my administration's relationship with the aristocracy."

"As for public sentiment," Kaios sighed, "that is something that is beyond our direct control. We can only lead by example and hope that, in time, people will see the benefits of these changes. The general populace was initially fearful after seeing the bombs fall on Esthirant. Some became resentful, upset; their pride was damaged."

"But we had to make them understand that these changes were for the better. We launched extensive campaigns to educate the populace, to help them understand why these reforms were necessary. We organized town halls, manacomm programs, and even used some of your nation's propaganda tactics. I still can't tell if the people are fearful of going against you Americans, or if they're actually coming around."

"It's an ongoing process, and there is still much to do. But if we keep on this path," Kaios' voice swelled with hope, "if we stay patient and persistent, I believe we will build a better Parpaldia." He looked to Anders, the glow of the setting sun on his face, "I haven't had the chance to properly say this, but thank you, Ambassador. Thank you for guiding us along this new path."

"Don't worry about it. It was simply the right thing to do," Anders smiled. "The road ahead will certainly be challenging, but you've got our support. The resilience and dedication of your people will certainly pay off in the long run. And of course, the United States will continue to stand by you in this journey."

Anders paused, shifting slightly in his chair and letting a respectful silence settle over their conversation.

Breaking the silence, Kaios ventured a cautious segue into their next topic. "Speaking of challenges," he began, a change in his tone indicating a shift in conversation, "I've noticed increased activity in your bases in the region. Could this be related to Gra Valkas Empire?"

"Indeed it is, indeed it is," Anders said.

Kaios nodded, "I see. It's all over the news after all. The Americans finally joining the war to help the Muans and Mirishials. From what I've seen on MNN and your news companies, the Gra Valkans seem to be giving the EDI quite the challenge. If even the Mirishials have abandoned their haughtiness, hah, well that's how you know it's gotten bad."

Anders chuckled at this, shaking his head slightly. "Yeah, they're not particularly fond of admitting it, but it's true. Without our intervention, the world might be too badly bruised, too fragile to stand against the Ravernals."

Kaios sipped his drink, the golden glow on the horizon starting to recede. "Huh, even the Americans believe their prophesied return? Must be true after all..."

"Yeah, we're hoping to put an end to this war as quickly as possible. If we're lucky, we'll be done within a year or two," Anders speculated.

"I wouldn't be surprised," Raita commented. "I almost feel pity for the Gra Valkans."

Kaios smiled. "Indeed, I can imagine. A single naval battle was all it took to flip Arde, Matal, and the others. But your people got lucky, having friends like us in Parpaldia's upper echelons. These Gra Valkans... Can your nation manage to replicate such success?"

Anders shrugged, "I truly don't know. I doubt that the Gra Valkans would be stubborn enough to keep fighting after losing half their ships and planes. But either way, I'm sure my government will figure out a quick end to the war. We won't back down in the face of adversity. After all, we're the land of the free and the home of the brave."

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