You Make Up

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You still extremely ticked off at Arthur. He thought you didn't care about this relationship. You felt a little guilty though. You lightly cried as you pulled your knees to your chest on the bed. You didn't even notice Arthur open the door. He had calmed down, and felt bad about what he said. He saw you crying, and felt even worse. He sat down behind you, and hugged you.
" What do you want Arthur? "
" Im sorry. "
" Why should I care about your apologies? Apparently I dont care about this relationship. "
" Im sorry about what I said. "
" Just leave me alone. " you had tears streaming down your face as you said that. He grabbed your face harshly yet lovingly, and made it so you were looking at him, and couldn't turn away.
" Listen to me. I know this isn't very gentlemanly, but Im sorry about the things I said. I love you, and I dont want you to be mad at me anymore. "
" Fine. I forgive you. "
" Well thank you love. " He kissed you on the cheek happily.
" Want to go make some scones? "
" No thank you Arthur. "


He didn't come out of his room for awhile. When he did, he had re knitted the whole thing, but he had another scarf in his hand. You were really confused about it, until he wrapped it around your neck. It was really soft, and a pretty, f/c.
" Why'd you put this on me? "
" I made it for you. " he smiled that adorable smile, and you hugged him as tightly as you could. You tried to kiss him, but couldn't because he was taller than you. This seemed to make him happy, so he leaned down, and kissed you.


He was still mad at you and wouldn't come out of his room. You were moping in the living room when a hand was clamped over your mouth. You were pulled back, and thrown to the ground.
" Hey little lady. " You didn't see the face because your eyes were closed, but you heard someone's fist connect with someone's face.
" Get out of here Allen! "
Someone was running out the house, but laughing while running. You felt hot tears running down your face as Alfred hugged you.
" Im sorry Alfie. Your my hero. "
" Thanks Y/n. "


He was mad. Like really mad. You had to get the pancake he had been cooking off the stove because it was about to start burning. You made him pancakes, and everything else he liked for breakfast. You just put the bottle of syrup next to the plate. You walked in your bedroom. He was laying away from the way you had come in.
" What do you want? "
You didn't say anything. Just set the tray down, and walked in the living room. You had Kuma in your lap, and had a few tears falling as you petted him/her? (I dont know if Kuma is a boy or girl)
You didn't notice poor matt watching you play with Kuma, lightly crying. He felt bad, so he walked up behind you, and hugged you. You tensed, then relaxed into the hug. You were just happy that Matt wasn't mad at you anymore.


You were sulking in emo corner.
" Y/n? "
" What? "
" Im sorry about how i acted towards you. Wirr you forgive me? "
" Sure. "
" You dont seem so sure. " he sat down next to you. You knew that he didn't like being this close to anyone really. It made you feel better in a way, that he was willing to get closer to you.
" I said we're fine. " Tears were brimming on your eyes.
" I know something is not right y/n. " he hugged you. This was so unlike him. His hug was tense, but it was adorable. You hugged him back.
" Thank you for forgiving me. "
" Your welcome. Thanks for forgiving me for breaking it. "
" It is all right, and you are welcome. "
" Did you fix it? "
" No, but you matter more. "
" Thanks Kiku. "

Hetalia Boyfriend Scenarios(Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें