First fight

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(F.Y.I. This does not lead to a break up)


Arthur was a little mad about you saying sure to you and him being together.
" What's wrong Arthur? "
" Nothing. "
It was only made worse when you didn't want to eat his burnt scones. Scones taste good if they are made well, and he did not make them well.
" I'm not hungry. "
" Just eat already! " You were surprised. He didn't raise his voice at you often.
" What wrong with you? " You hugged him, but he pushed you away.
" What's wrong with you!? "
" You said ' sure ' when I asked if we were together. It's almost like you don't care about this relationship at all! "
" I do to care! "
" No you don't! "
" Why wouldn't I!? "
" Just be quiet for a second you bloody girl! "
" You know what Arthur, F*ck you, and your eyebrows! " you ran off to your room, slamming, and locking it. Arthur was now even more ticked off.
(I just love that line!)


You had just been trying to wash his scarf for him. It ended up, a little torn up. You were freaking out, when Ivan came home.
" Y/n I'm home! Is my scarf done being washed yet? "
" N-no! It still has to dry so it can be all warm and cozy for you! " You hid it as best as you could, and walked out to greet Ivan. He wasn't smiling.
" Your lying. I don't like being lied to... "
" Y-your s-scarf u-um j-just mighthaceaccidentlygottentornupinthemachine. " he understood what you said perfectly. He walked in the washing room, found the scarf, and looked-no stared at you.
" I'm really sorry Ivan, I know your sister gave that to you. " you had tears falling from your eyes. He walked away into the room you two share. You started crying, beating yourself up about messing up his scarf.
(I know it wasn't really a fight, but oh well)


Alfred was being annoying beyond words.
" I'm the hero! " He said as he saved the girl in the video game.
" Can you please stop saying that for five seconds? " He waited five seconds, than started saying it again.
" Alfred. "
" But it's what heroes say. "
" Maybe your not a hero all the time. " Crap. He got up, and walked into his room. You heard the lock click, and instantly felt bad. You knew it was a major no no to say he wasn't the hero.
" Alfred please let me in. "
" Go away. I don't want to be around someone who doesn't think I'm the hero. "

(Neither of the Italy's are going to be in this because I can't think of something to make them fight with you about.)


Matthew was wearing one of Alfred's jackets, because Alfred had made him where it, and was cooking some pancakes in the kitchen.
" What are you doing here Alfred? " Matthew turned around slowly.
" H-hey Ma-Matt, s-smells g-g-good. "
" Did you just call me Alfred? "
" N-no. I have no idea what you are talking about. " you couldn't admit that you had mistaken him for his brother. Crap.
" But I just heard you say Alfred. "
" I um.... "
" Make your own pancakes, I'll be in my room, away from the person who mistook me for my idiot brother! "
" Mat- " he walked off before you could even finish his name.


You had accidentally broke Kiku's anime disc.
(I don't know what his favorite anime is so I'm just going to say anime disc)

You were frantically trying to find a replacement, because he watched anime all night on this day of the week.
" Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! "
" Is something wrong Y/n? "
" N-no! Nothing's wrong. He looked behind you to see the broken anime disc. He went pale.
" Prease go away whire I tend to this. " he knelt down, and examined the disc while you walked away, with your head.

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