You meet again

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You were at the store buying a scone. Yes you liked them. Dont judge. Its good once you get used to it. You turned around, and sat at a table. You had that guys umbrella with you. You didn't know why you had brought it with you, you just did. You had only taken a bite of your scone when the same blonde sat across from you.
" I believe you have something of mine. " You looked at him confused, then remembered the umbrella. You handed it to him, and continued to happily eat your scone.
" You like those!? "
" Why wouldn't I? They taste really good. " He looked at you happily, and for the rest of the day you two were talking about food, and books.
" My names Arthur, by the way. "
" Y/n "


You were at the store again. You got your usual vodka, and went to pay. You saw the same man, and you two smiled at each other.
" Im getting yours this time. "
He watched you as you paid for his alcohol. You both walked out the store.
" You should come to my house, i can show you my sunflower patch, i think you'd like it. Im Ivan. "
" Y/n. " you walked to his house, and you both drank vodka, but not enough to make you drunk. He had the most beautiful sunflowers too.


You were at the mall, getting a burger in the food court. You felt a tap on your shoulder, and turned around to see the blonde.
" Hello... "
" Alfred. "
" Hello Alfred, I'm y/n "
" So, can the hero buy you a burger? "
" Im not going to turn down a free burger. "
" Burger buddies! " He high fived you, and you two ate, and talked about lots of hero stuff. He was really fun to be around, and was always shouting " I'm the hero "


You went to that pasta restaurant, and ordered fettuccine with alfredo sauce. You got your food, and ate happily. You noticed the auburn haired guy smiling at you. You smiled back at him, and he walked over to your table. He sat down across from you, and watched you eat.
" Can i help you? "
" I just think your-a adorable. "
" Well, thank you. "
" And you like pasta. "
" Yes, i do. "
" My name is-a Feliciano. "
" Im y/n. " You both talked about pasta for the rest of the day.


You had completely forgotten about what had happened with those two men. You were just looking at some tomatoes in the market, when you felt someone grab the collar of your shirt. You see the dark haired man. That little curl of hair he has is so adorable.
" Sorry, i thought you were someone else. " You can hear him quietly swearing under his breath.
" Will you help me pick out a few tomatoes? Im going to make some pizza, but i dont know what tomatoes are best. " he looks at you, and you two pick out tomatoes, and make pizza.


You were in the forest, just walking around, looking at the pretty snow. You kept feeling like someone was watching you though, so you had a snowball ready to throw if someone jumped you. You heard a twig snap behind you, and you threw in that general direction. You saw that blonde guy from the rink, with snow covering his face, and started laughing.
" Im really sorry. " you walk towards him, still laughing.
" Im fine. "
" I should be going home, I'm going to make some pancakes. "
" Ill make you some. "
" Really!? Awesome! " You guys walked to his house, and ate pancakes that day. He had a ton of maple syrup. He had a lot of stuff for Canada too. He had hockey stuff, like jerseys, and sticks, and pucks.
" My name is Mathew. "
" Y/n. "

Hetalia Boyfriend Scenarios(Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें