stay away from this baby

Start from the beginning

"Mayo, come on, I didn't mean to make you upset-

He tried to touch me, but I wasn't having it. 

"You bastard!!" I yelled, slapping him as hard as I could across the face.

"Ow! Fuck!"

"We're done," I said, "Forever. I don't deserve this bullshit!"

I shook my head and went back downstairs, wiping my tears away as I got more pizza,

"You ok, Mayo?" Ian said.

"Best I've ever been," I said shakily, sitting beside him, trying to compose myself and not make a scene.

To say I was heartbroken was an understatement. I just had to face that I was always going to be a second choice. The other woman. The side character.

Ian wrapped his arm around me and comforted me to the best of his ability.

A few minutes later, Lip came downstairs and pulled Mandy aside, and they went outside. I wasn't sure what was going on, but Mandy had left and Lip sat back down with us. 

After the movie, we all went to sleep, and Ian and I slept in his bed. 

Carl and Blake looked over at us with Ian's arm around me.

"You guys aren't gonna have sex are you?" Blake said.

"Shut up," I mumbled sleepily, "Go to bed."

I dozed off for a while, but we were woken up by Lip shouting from his room. We looked at each other and went into Lip's room and then downstairs.

"What is going on?" Fiona retorted, coming in through the front.

"Holly left my party because of something Lip did."

My eyes widened.

"You didn't-

"No, I didn't! I blew her off, and she split, alright?" Lip said, looking at me as he finished his sentence.

"You could've just done her so my party wouldn't have sucked!" Debbie said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Debs, she's 14!"

"Wait, which one's Holly?" There was a dude, obviously drunk, next to Fiona.

"She left! And then little Hank left too," Debbie said, plopping on the couch and moping.

"Oh, I see what this is about," I said. Debbie had a crush on little Hank.

"Deb, I'm sure the rest of the party was awesome," Fiona said, trying to comfort her.

"How would you know? You weren't here," Debbie said before looking at the guy, "You Craig?"


Safe to say, this party went down in flames, but Lip made it up to Debbie by offering to take her, little Hank, and Holly to the movies.


The following day, we all went into the pool and fucked around. There was a chicken game with Ian and I vs Kev and V. Then Lip and Debbie went against them because we lost.

"Kev's like a giant. That's not fair," Debbie said.

"Yea, life's not fair, Debs," Lip said, "Haven't you learned that by now?"

"Come on over, girl, you're going down!"

And just like that, Debbie fell into the water.

"I don't play. I don't play!"

Ian squirted me with a water gun, so I hit him back for revenge.

"Ow, Mayo, my eye!"

"Oh, it's just water, you big baby!" I chuckled, "There will be worse in your eye at West Point."

Fiona and the guy, whose name was Adam, came outside with their coffee as Ian and Lip and I dried off.

"Looks like your rash is clearing up!"

"Yea!" Debbie said, "You guys done with your therapy?"

"They're still in the house. He's singing ''Your Body is a Wonderland."

"Amazing," I said, laughing.

As Fiona introduced Kev and Adam, I noticed Karen walking over to us. She did not look happy at all.

"Hey, you ok?" I heard Lip say. She kneed him in the balls, making him groan and fall to the ground.

"Why the fuck was Mandy Milkovich at MY house trying to screw Jody?!" she yelled furiously, "He turned her down and told me what happened."

Even after me screaming at him and smacking him, he still wouldn't give up? Wow. 

"Yea because he's a fucking pussy!" Lip said.

"Fuck you!" she kicked him again, making Fiona, Ian, and I intervene.

"Hey, hey!" Fiona said, trying to break it up.

"Stay the fuck away from me! Stay the fuck away from Jody!"

She still attempted to kick him even with Fiona guarding him and Ian holding her back.

"And stay the fuck away from this baby!"

I gasped and covered my mouth. She said nothing else and walked away. 

Baby? Karen's pregnant?! 

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