i'm happy with who we are

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We all relocated next door. No one said a word as we waited anxiously. I sat with Carl, rubbing his back as Lip and Ian looked through the window.

"What are they doing?" Fiona said.

"Looks like packing," Lip said.

"What about Liam?" Debbie said.

"Can't tell through the window."

"We could call the police!" Debbie said, "Tell them Liam's being kidnapped."

"Hey. We're gonna figure this shit out," Fiona said, "No matter what!"

"Hey, guys, they're coming out," Lip said.

We all walked outside. Bob was putting their stuff in the trunk while Monica held Liam. She looked at all of us and walked closer. As she got closer, I could see she'd been crying. She kissed Liam on the cheek and slowly gave him back to Fiona. 

Monica slowly walked away, sobbing.

"Mom!" Fiona said.

She turned back. Fiona didn't say anything except for a slight nod. As the two drove away, I leaned my head on Lip's shoulder. 


"So, Ian isn't Frank's, but Liam is?" my dad said, finishing the rest of his coffee.

 "I know," I said, "Don't know how the hell that worked out."

"So, who is his dad?" Jenna said.

"Well, they said it's a close relative, so probably one of Frank's three brothers," Diana said, "Lip and Ian should be here soon. We're going to visit Frank's mom in jail and ask her because some of the family didn't even know he had brothers."

There was a knock on the door, so I got up.

"Diana, you can't go today, remember?" Jenna said, "Martin's taking you out to practice driving."

Diana groaned as I opened the door. 

"Good morning, boys!" Jenna said. 

"Morning, Jenna," Lip said as Ian smiled, "Ready to go, Mayo?" 

"Yup," I said, grabbing my gray beanie and fingerless gloves before heading out the door, "No Karen?"

"Nah, she's too busy being mad at her dad. She has a nose ring and is into death metal now."


"He called her a whore."

I snorted, "Because that's what she is. No need to go haywire over it."


After going through security and being patted down by the guards, we got let in and went into prisoner visitation. 

"Hey, Grammy," Lip said.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Grams, it's us. Lip and Ian. Frank's sons."

"Your grandsons?" Ian said.

"I'm not one of yours. Just a friend," I said. 

She smiled as she slowly remembered, "Oh my goodness. Look at you two. I have never seen apple and spice looking so nice."

"Thanks, Grammy," Ian said.

"How's it going in there?" Lip said.

"The food's not so great, but the pussy's good," Grammy said, "Never thought I'd be the type. Oh, this dump ain't so bad. I can get blow any time I like."

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