Ch. 8 Conditions of control

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You watched as Simon walked to the corner of the living room where a record player sat neatly, clean and in good condition despite having it since you where little, it seemed that even now, with years gone by, your parents still enjoyed dipping their toes into their youth.

You grabbed a handful of chips, the saltiness of is coating your taste buds while your teeth let it be crushed beneath them played loudly in your ears, you where going to do this yourself, you even began to stand up while agreeing by making a playful teasing joke on how he didn't seem the type to enjoy such melodies himself when he stopped you, asking you where the player was instead.

You showed the rest of the chips into your mouth when the melody of gorrilaz "Re-Hash" flood the room. Like an automatic respond you started to tap your foot to the beat, letting the faint thud of your bare skin against the soft carpet support the song. You did close your eyes momentary, more of a way to relax yourself rather than enjoy the music, you didn't really noticed it but you where tense and your blame for it was because of having a guess over, who, to make the situation worst, was a guy.

You never had a boy over, ever, despite your friend group being mostly dudes, now that you where in college and living your life, even they never hang out in your apartment.

You didn't know exactly how to act, what to do, what to say! God what can you say?? Is asking how his day was too cheesy? Too cliche? Does he even want to share? God what if he had a terrible day and you'd ruin his mood? What if-

Your swirling mind got cut off by the feeling of the coutch cushion sinking next to you, your eyes snapping open and shoving themselves to the side of the noise a tad bit too fast for your liking, it was him, sitting next to you, admitidly, a foot or so away from you.

He was looking down at all the snacks and drinks that where presented on the table, you noticed the way he was hunch over, his hands being shoved deep between his legs, you wonder if he was too shy or even scared to treat himself

To try and keep the mood light, you threw at him one of your joken teasies.

"Yknow, they're here to be eaten, not stared at, do you buy junk food just to look at it?"

He let out a small hum, his hand reaching out to grab a handful of m&m's

"And what if I do?"

He asked as he leaned back into the coutch the same way you where sitting right now throwing a smirk your way before popping few of those colorful balls into his mouth.

You couldn't help but laugh at that.


You sang out as as you grabbed your half filled cup from the table, chugging it down with a small sight, the taste of the chips left your mouth weirdly dry, or at least that's what you told yourself.

"And what if I am? Hmm? What then?"

He snipped back again, his smirk turning into a cocky grin. His body slightly turned to you, his m&ms sitting tightly in his hand but what you failed to notice is the way his hands where shaking.

Whoa, where did that come from? You where certainly taken back, his out of nowhere boldness and dare you say, cockiness presenting themselves full and front, it was your first time seeing such side of his, and honesty, you couldn't help but feel the slight heat warm up your cheeks

However you saw the way his smirk slowly dropped down, you could literally see the confidence leaving his body as you tried and failed to come up with something just as snippey to keep the mood going, leaving you to just started at him with surprised look in your eyes.

"I- erm, sorry"

That's all he could push out from his mouth as he returned his body to its natural position of sitting, his hands automatically shoving themselves deep in his baggy hoodie.

"No no, dont apologize, it's nothing I was just...heh.....that was out of nowhere, that's all"

You tried to salvage the situation, hoping that by pointing out that it was nothing will prevent him from up and leaving this fast becoming awkward situation, something he was probably debating on doing guessing by the way his eyes intensely stared at the floor.

God you where terrible with guests being over, that's why guys don't ever come over to hang out with you in the first place, you always found the way to fuck it up or make it awkward! Man did you loaded yourself right now for causing this!

You pushed the heels of your palms into your eyes, an act to keep yourself from becoming even more angry and upset, you can't do that now, not when a guy you want to be friends with is sitting a foot away from you!

You dropped your hands to your lap before leaning towards and grabbed a bottle of fizzy cold sprite, the silence was being filled by Grollilaz vinyl playing "Double Bass" which gave off more of chill, calmed yet viby atmosphere.

"Man I could go for a fucking cig right now"

You hissed out as you brought your cup to your lips, taking good few gulps to keep your nerves calm and your body at ease before filling it up again.

"Yeah, that would be nice"

You cursed to yourself mentally on how timit his response was, blaming yourself even more for making him return to his shy self.


You asked as you leaned back into the coutch, cup sitting nicely in your hand, an idea popped into your mind, you bit your lip but persued.

"I got something better than that, I have some mery jane"

He looked at you sideways and you bit your lip again, harder this time, you didn't know how he'd react to it, whatever he'd take you to your offer or, worst case scenario, leave you right there and there while calling the cops on you, drugs weren't that legal where you lived after all


His voice came out slightly confused, hesitant even, like he was testing out the waters, which made your heart launch itself all the way up to your throat.

At least he knew the nickname of it, which you took it as a good sign as not many know the other names for it.

You nodded, your voice came out just as hesitant as his.

"...yeah, doja"

Simon says... ( simon henriksson x reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin