Ch. 3 Draged time

668 19 11

"Well thanks for keeping me company Simon, I really enjoyed it"

You said when you two stopped by the stairway that led up to the other floors once you entered the apartment complex.

His only exchange was a a nod and a small "same to you" with a tiny smile thrown your way before looking at the direction of the stairs.

You took it as a cue to part ways, so you did so, taking your own turn towards the hallway that lined the first floor with it's inside houses

"Hope to pump into you again!"

You managed to semi yell out as you started to move while watching him go up the stairs and out of sight, you mentally cringed at yourself for doing that, did you make yourself sound crazy with how excited you appeared to be when you said that? Clearly he'll find it weird or at least creepy, the fact that a fucking stranger of a girl he met this evening said she hopes she'll see him again, with a crazy smile despite him not seeing it.

The mental berating went on even as you looked for the cepret key in your backpack that kept the doors locked to your family's apartment, it went on even as you found it and roughly showed it in, you groaned at your own stupidity just the same as the doors groaned to you as a welcoming song. Only when you closed them and let yourself be consumed by the darkness did you let yourself sign and let go of your self-hatred.

Enough is enough, you might had slipped up now but you don't improve without making mistakes.

At least that's what you told yourself when you found the light switch of the colidor and flipped it on.

The buzzing of the lightbulb and the yellowish walls of the small long room flooded you back with the feeling that you had quite missed, home, a place you grew up in and a place you left to start your own life.

You did noted the fact that all of the rooms where dark and quite, no sound of the tv playing some old tv show your father was so promt on watching, nor the kitchen buzzing with pans and the sounds of knife work indicating that your mother was cooking up the lates evening dinner, nothing.

The thought of them being already asleep popped into your mind, you did, after all, came back here without any beforehand calls or indications as you did wanted to surprise them, a surprised summers visit, that's what it was supposed to be so them not expecting it was, well, reasonable.

You did tiptoe to their bedroom though, after taking off your shoes and placing your heavily loaded backpack next to them. You did wonder if it would had been better to just call out to them where you stood and not risk on giving them a heart attack.

Actually yeah, you gonna do that, a plan formed into your head as you approached the closed bedroom doors, you gonna take a peak to see if they're actually asleep, and if they where, you gonna creep back into the hallway and announce yourself, I mean, they have to be asleep right? The sound of the doors opening and closing and the thud of your backpack should had notified them with the fact that someone is in their house.

But once you did creeped it opened and took a peak, you where left stunned and the doors being opened fully, nothing, just with the rest of the house, it was dark and empty, the bed being neatly made and untouched for however long.

You just stood there, looking at it, your mind jumping with ideas of where they would be, would they be out shopping? Maybe visiting some relatives? Out on a trip?.....Dead?

You had to shake your head a bit to get rid of the last idea, no they aren't dead you had a call with them less than two or so days ago, plus you would had been notified, wouldn't you?

You closed the door and walked into the opened space of the living roon, pondering whatever to just sit down and wait for them or call them and announce your arrival.

You flopped down into the fluffy flower printed couch with a sign, no sitting and just waiting in the dark sounds stupid, you would definitely give them a heart attack with that, so instead you fished out your phone from your pocket and pressed down on your mothers phone number.

It rang once, then twice then there was a click and your mother's voice floating into your ear, all the while you had gotten up and stared to pace around.

You flopped back into the couch after half an hour with a groan and an ended phone call, they where out on a trip for a month or so to a different country leaving you all alone in the house, well at least they where surprised and happy to know that you wanted to visit them and a bit sad you won't be able to, for now at least.

God this gonna be a long evening and long month in general, you needed a cig.

Simon says... ( simon henriksson x reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ