Ch. 4 Slowed existence

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It didn't take you long to be sitting on the opened windows pedestal with a lit cigarette between your lips as your eyes watched the smoke emanate from it and dance into the sky. The gentle silk feeling air that prushed against your skin helped the smoke move in verias shapes.

It brought you back into the younger days of your life and all the countless times you would end up in this position, sitting, smoking and watching, letting oxygen and smoke float into your lungs before being pushed out in the same tempo as a way to relax, but more than often, to control your overflowing negative emotions.

Thankful today was one of the lighter situations that you found yourself in, letting yourself just exist while enjoying it at the same time.

Your eyes did move from the disappearing smoke to the streets below you, the scenery not really changing apart of the nights sky that had become a tad more brighten as the hours ticked by, checking your phone the bright blue screen showed 1:45am.

Dragging in another bitter taste of a smoke you wondered if you should just head to bed or do something around the house, you didn't particularly feel tired, you did take light naps between the busses that you hopped through to get to your destination of home, despite that the naps themselves weren't the most comfortable or peaceful, the rocking and buzzing of them as they move would leave you in this feather like sleep, that you would surface out from everytime you'd feel the bus stop, cracking open just a bit of your right eye to check if you arrived to your destination before closing it right back when confirming that you, in fact, haven't yet.

Which made your mind take a sharp turn to the young man that sat down next to you on the last transport, after taking how many buses you did eventually ended up switching to a train, having that as your very last thing to sit on before reaching home.

Why did he sit next to you? Werent there empty seats all over it? He could had just stood then if there weren't any or maybe he was just too tired and too done with the day to do that so he said 'fuck it' and went for it? Perhaps he didn't even minded nor cared that much to sit next to girl despite the fact his first interacting deemener seemed to be wanting to be left the hell alone and annoyed, also a tad bit nervous. Perhaps he saw you as more quite unbothering kind and thought of a quite trip? Ha well too bad just hope you didn't came off as creepy or weird.

Another drag, another exhale of the half finished cigarette that dangled between your fingers.

But clearly you didn't do that did you, he did walked all the way home with you, even opted to stay and have a cig with you in the part before that, if he was creeped out he would had just dashed straight home after a quick half-assed excuse or stayed back and waited for you to disappear, right?

So much thinking that your head started to throb, you didn't really noticed that your mind was running laps in your head while you blankly stared at the street lamp till it presented itself to you.

Taking a deep sigh you flicked off your burned up cigarette butt and hopped off, closing the window right after but opted to keep the top part opened seconds later. The pulsating of your head made a through form inside it, you smiled as you turned up your phone and started to go through the contacts.

Time for some marry jane lettuce.

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