Ch. 7 Path of tunes

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The time did slowed down, the knocking bounced in your head as you straightened yourself out, getting your hand off the bowl and whipping them into your sweatpants as you hurried to the door.

Once you where inches away from the door you did a quick sweep of yourself, fluffing up your hair and fixing up your tantop before reaching for the doorknob.

You turned it and opened it.

There he was, standing, his hands showed deep in his black baggy jeans that had thick white x's sewed around his pockets and sides.

You only caught a glance of that cool detail before your eyes snapped upwards, your shiny ones meeting his brown ones, who, even if shining back, held a large amount of nervousness, despite that he gave you one of his famous half smiles, to which you returned.

Snapping yourself back to reality you cleared your throat

"Hey Simon!"


His shy semi-timit voice countered your loud exited one, he did give you a small wave with it to which within that time you managed to step aside, inviting him in with 'well come on in'

"Make yourself at home"

The words spilled out as you closed the door, letting him walk further into the room, only then did you notice him wearing a different type of hoodie, a crimson red with words written at the back in gold, however you couldn't read them as they where all over the place with a design that looked like a 7-yo drew bunch of lines and called it a day. Never the less the slight baggy and oversized hoodie was a nice change of pace.

You lingered near the door for a bit as he, after standing still for a second or two, started to look over the living room, not really knowing exactly what to do or say, you weren't exactly used to having guess over, let alone friends, you where more of a loner growing up, sticking to video games and more fantasy stuff than actual communication with others.

"Sooo want something to drink? I could get you something"

You asked in a more awkward manner while clasping your hands together, right after that taking your walk to the kitchen, all the while breafly watching the way he studied your collection of vinyl records.

"You got some cool stuff here, some real classics"

He commented while picking up one of jazzs vinyls and examining it.

"Oh thanks, although it's not mine"

You continued as you picked out glasses for the two of you, looking over them to make sure they where in good condition before bringing them to the sink.

"It's mostly my parents, they're more classic and old fashioned type, think of erm Stevie Wonder or Diana Ross or..."

You trailed off as you cleaned up the cups and got the left over water drops out, carrying them and settling them on the coffee table as you once again whipped your semi-dry semi-wet hands into your sweatpants, at this point they where becoming your dishcloth.

At the point of you flopping down he was already facing you, an old, scrappy and on the edges pealed off gorillazs' vinyl record sleeve in his hands, his eyes studying the shiny reflective base.

"You listen to this?"

He asked, his hands turning it around to study the songs listed at the back of it, your eyes did shot up at him as you where mid way pouring yourself soda.

"Yeah, yeah I do, time to time"

You resumed to your cup being filled by the dark fizziling liquid, however you couldn't help but let out a small, breathy chuckle.

"Yknow, just because I dress metalic doesn't mean I'm only a metal head, I like me some more calmer tunes"

With that, you leaned back into the soft puffy cushion, your drink in hand as you took at sip.

He did smiled back, his head slightly shaking side to side as a way to show that he was baffled, or at least that's what you assumed from his little head gesture.


He stared, his head raising up to look at you as he gently slapped the record sleeve against his palm, a smirk playing on his lips

"How about we start with something slow then"

Simon says... ( simon henriksson x reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant