Ch. 10 sober and over

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The time seem to slowed down to a complete stop for you as you watch him lean into you, his movements dragging out like you where watching a clip of a video in slow motion.

His eyes where half closed, his publes being blown out to two huge orbs of black galaxy that where gently held by faint redness around them yet they still managed to hold their attention to yours, was he already as high as a kite? Or was he higher than that at this point?

You didn't really knew what to do, your body locking itself down with chains of baffelment and shock, a literal Imbodiment of deer in the highlights, watching as the two holy lights neared it in an incredible speed.

Should you lean forward? Pull away? Ask him what the fuck he think he's doing and ask if he's even thinking?! You doubted he was even using his brains! On a second thought though yeah okay you do admit he was lowkey cute and the way he would look at you made your stomach do a flip and your anxiety spike up, the way he would give you the tiniest smiles would make you literally awe in your head, you really enjoyed his company and the fact you two had shit ton in common, despite knowing him only for nearly a month at this point you still felt like you could be fully yourself around him, without the need to hide parts of yourself that really showed who you where.

Your palms clenched up, your knuckles turning a faint shade of white as dryness crawled up your throat in an emance speed, suddenly your tongue felt like a heavy piece of metal that refused to move, your mind felt like it was expanding but at the same time, contracting inside your skull.

The sudden paranoia warped it's hand around your entire body and soul, your mind getting way too fuzzy to understand just what the fuck was going on in front of your eyes.

A panic attack right when you where at your highest, not the best way to have a trip after so long.

You tried to suck in a breath, making it verge itself deep inside your lungs.

It failed.

Instead you where left choking up on a huge gulp of air that suddenly rushed through your throat you tried to backpedal and push it out, the result of that leaving you letting out a low throat grown that left Simon widening it's eyes ever so slightly.

That didn't help at all!

You saw the way his eyes widen, seeing the pupils dialate before expanding once again, he periodically stopped in his stracks, having majority of his body leaning close to you.

You held your breath at this point, any attempt of air getting into your lungs dying without even passing past the line of your lips.

Your ears perked up when he made a low grumbling noise, letting out a gasp escape him right after, the warmth setting on your cheeks was hard to ignore as you squeezed your hands together, was he waiting for you to lean in yourself? Should you go for it yourself? You didn't practically planned on refusing his invite, especially when you admitidly found him attractive looking.

You bit into your lower lip, hard, as your hands stumbled and rolled over each other tightly on your lap, it was few ways for you to handle situations that you had little control over, a way to direct the bundle of nervousness somewhere else instead of your erratic mind and overfloating emotions.

You made your decision.

Finally your lungs accepted oxygen being poured into themselves, getting you the ever needed air pumbing into your brain as you took few slow deep breaths, being this high didn't help you grasp the much needed stability and control but you where managing and that was enough.

Slowly, agonizingly slowly did you leaned forward yourself, a tiny inch before taking a few second pause before continuing, so agonizingly slowly where you leaning into the kiss.

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