Ch. 18 666

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Blood flooded the corridors, the levels of the liquid rising in an alarming rate, all the while you tried to stay afloat, your body desperately using it's limbs to kick and move around to have you moving to not submerge under this thick, unseen nasty substance.

You violently got tossed to the sides, your body slamming into the cemented walls, enough to have you hissing and whimpering in pain.

The red lights in the walls flickered, momentarily having you blind, yet it didn't obscured you from the way the wave picked you up and slammed you down into the ground. You heard the way some of your bones popped and cracked.

You let out a pain filled moan, whaling as your hand gripped into the rough ground below you till your own finger pads tore and bled.

Nothing made logical sense here, nothing at all, there could be lamps suspended in the air, random colidors that would start and end at random, the laws of physics did not exist here.

That's why you weren't surprised at all that once you did managed to turn on your back, you were met with the looming liquid above you, seemingly moving and splashing around like water, but cutting off just few inches away from you. It reminded you of water being in a see-through plastic container.

You didn't felt like getting up, you didn't wanted to, every inch of your body hurt, ached, begged for you to stay on this filthy ground forever.

Even when the sounds of screetching and chainsaw touched your ears in a faintly manner, having it presented to you from far far away.

You closed your eyes again, taking in a deep slow breath before once again rolling on your stomach and attempting to get up, slowly getting your arms to your head level and pushing up, only to grid your teeths when pain shot thro your left side.

Something definitely got broken or popped out of it's socket when this red liquid spewed you out from its insides. Thanks to that you debated whatever to truly just lay here or try and move.

However the decision for that was made for you, as your next blink of your eye got you transported into the middle of a very familiar looking park, giant monsters walked near by, silently groaning in never ending agony, few of the creatures wielding box cutters and shaving razors scurried around too.

Great, the reality itself wants to torture you it seems.

You instinctively crouched down, slowly getting to the closest trash can you had in hopes you would be shielded away from anyones gaze.

Were you scared? No not really, you had been in this place for so many times by now, you practically knew this place like the back of your hand, your own personal hell.

Which it was, the constant sceetching and sceaming and things running around made sure you didn't forget of it, let alone the different mimics of you that littered this place....yuck.

Peaking over the green tall metallic trash can, you scanned the place, mentally making a route on how you'll need to navigate this mess, you needed to mostly avoid the small creatures that ran around with razor blades sticking out of their bodies and wielding comedically large box cutters. Those could do heavy damage to you if not careful, or fast enough.

Yet once you blinked again, you got dropped off into the apartments that you had been seeking out themselves, seeing them as the safety grounds away from all of this, although that's more gaslighting yourself into believing that, as in reality it was a gamble on whatever barging into unknown four walls will grand you safety or more of these vile creatures to deal it, some times running back outside was a better outcome than trying to stay inside.

And this time it was one of the examples.

Looking around the long empty and dimmed colidors you were met with a body horror you wished to unseen, as at the very end of flickering light colidor you saw a creature that looked just like you, the only differences is that it's fucking body was facing away from you yet the face itself stared right at you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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