Ch. 14 Prepare for trouble and make it double

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"I really do dig your hoodie yknow, really fits you"

Your voice rang into the empty streets the same way as your footsteps rang onto the pavement.

You two ended up going on a walk, why? Well sitting on a bench and chatting about whatever can be fun,  for a while, but not for forever, plus it gave you a good excuse to stretch out your legs.

"Oh shut it"

The small snort came from his mouth as a small tilt of a smile formed on his lips.

"I'm serious! Your mom does have a nice sense of style"

With that you gave him a hip shove, clashing your hips enough with his thigh to have him slightly stumbling to the side, despite the slight height differences that played their roll into this.

You two laughed, the streets being mostly empty aside form few cars that would pass by time to time and one or two people hurrying past you two to get to where they had to be.

Silence followed after that, but not the kind that would have you awkwardly shuffling your feet, actually, quite the opposite kind, the kind you were able to enjoy and swim in it, like a calm sea that you could float around on your back with minimum effort to stay afloat.

It didn't lasted long though.

While admits of the nice walk to whatever destination your feet was carrying you two to, you heard a loud car engine roaring in the distance, the person driving it pressed hard onto the speed pedal to make sure it was heard, intentionally or not, your eyes instinctively had themselves looking to that direction, seeing nothing for a few moments only to be met by a white old looking car that was nearing you two In a dangerous speed.

You looked up at Simon, wonder just what his reaction to this all was, half way opening up your mouth to make a comment on how the person is driving dangerously, only to have it shut tight and your eyes snapping back to the direction of the car as you heard a screech of tires.

It took your brains few beats to receive the signals your eyes were sending, the car doing a sudden 90 degree turn on the empty road, leaving it's front facing you two.

By now you stopped walking, taking a step forward to see what was exactly happening as you where next to Simons side that was blocking the veiw.

Oh was it a bad move on your end.

Before you knew it, let alone even react, the car screeched it's tires once again,  bolting in your direction like a ball that was just flung out of a slingshot.

Your vision suddenly became distorted and blurry as you were yanked backwards before the car was dangerously too close to you, your own scream of panic slipping past your lips and reaching your ears faster than the sound of metal crashing into something solid, but when you steadied yourself enough to have your vision back you saw....

The car being crashed against the building that was next to you the compelling smashed car just few centimeters away from you, it's engine, or at least what's lest of it now eliminating thick clouds of smoke....and a man pointing a pistol to your direction.

Time frozed, just the same way you froze on the spot as your breath hitched in your throat, your mind raced, trying to comprehend on just how fast did the dude move to come out of this alive, let alone have his gun drawn and pointed at you.

The air stilled, it didn't help that your ears were being flooded with deafening static buzzing, the kind you'd heard from an old TV's and your body being rushed with adrenaline as your flight or fight instincts kicked in, your vision Lazer focused on the gun, so much so you failed to noticed the way Simons body moved just a tiny bit to shield you from the deathly weapon.

"Don't fucking move!"

The guys booming voice cut through your static filled ears like a hot knife slicing through butter, his black gloves holding tightly into the gun, his black hoodie that seemed to have white stripes on the side of his selves looked dirty, even the white print of 'E A 45' seemingly pealed off in some places. In a way it reminded you of the way Slavic people would dress, especially with those black pants that also held the white stripers to its sides. His whole outfit in general looking like he hasn't washed them in a long while.

Despite your eyes verily looking him over you didn't dared to lift them up to his face, too afraid of having him shoot you on sight from to the fact that you could end up giving the description of him to the police. Your hands, despite never feeling doing such thing, held themselves raised up, a sign of surrender and that you are at his mercy.
Your heart rammed itself wildly against your ribs over the fact that you two were potentially being robbed right now.

"Right, give me everything you fucking have! Otherwise you two are as good as dead!"

He yelled again, although you couldn't help but notice just how frantic his voice was, how rushed and all over the place it was, like electricity zapping from one place to another in a lightning speed, trying to desperately find something, something, but no one knew what.

Unbeknownst to you Simon was intensely staring at the guy, his own hands slightly raised up to his chest level. His eyes straining over the guy who was holding you two at gun point, his gut swirling with the feeling that he knew the guy, but from what? From where? The chestnut hair seemed so familiar, so known, the eyes too, despite how much they moved from him to you and back to him made him feel like he could recognize them from his childhood and the way his body was shaking and shuffling time to time gave off the impression that guy was extremely on edge.

Then it dawned on him, the realization slamming him like a heavily sledgehammer, his eyes widening in complete shock and disbelief, his hands dropping as his mouth opened to speak, saying one word that would make or break the question he so desperately didn't wanted the answer to.


(Soooo uhm yeah, I know I know it's been a long while, and I'm sorry! Writers block can be annoying, top that with personal stuff and volia, you get this! Long ah wait, but I'm finally here to deliver! Enjoy~)

(P.s thank you all so much for 4k! Holy moly I'm WHEEPING! Never in million years did I thought that this 'book' would attract so many readers, I'm so so so so greatful, I'm so greatful, thank you, really. )

Simon says... ( simon henriksson x reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora