Ch. 13 Love the way it looks

352 15 12

(We honestly need more Simon with hello kitty hoodie)

It's been a week since the event, how did it ended? Well, let's just say, he took the hoodie and left with neither of you making eye contact, let alone the awkward goodbyes that led after that.

So here you where, back at the park, sitting at the bench while inhaling the never ending toxic smokes and nicotine that are given to you from the lid cigarette.

You needed some fresh air, being stuck indoors all day everyday ends up driving you crazy, there's so much you can do when it comes to sitting on your ass and playing crappy games on your rusty boxy pc or getting lost in your drawings while listening to music.

The stars blinked shily, mainly because the sun has begun it's peaking over the horizon, it's rays shining up to the sky that was led by orangy-yellowish-somehow pink colors that splattered all around it.

You couldn't really sleep to be completely honest, the nightmares....visions?...whatever they where has gotten worse, well, they became more frequent....more realistic especially when Simon was thrown into them unexpectedly.

Simon the name bounced in your head like a basketball ball, the boy has definitely taken some kind of affect on you, even if it's been nearly a month since you had known him, even since the time he sat next to you on that train....

Another drag, another puff, and thanks to that one small thing your nightmares decided to toy with you even more, they saw another way to torment you, make you wake up in the middle of the night bathing in your own sweat and your heart hammering, so many times you scrambled to get your phone and ask him if he's alright via text or even a call after waking up from way-too-realistic nightmare, however every time you'd bit your lip and delete it before flopping back to the bed.

Sure, you might had not known Simon for long but he already made such a huge impact to you, let alone the crush that bubbled up towards him...god you where definitely a piece of work.

Honestly, now that you look at it, you found yourself doing this a lot, sitting, smoking and thinking, specifically thinking about him. It seem to be some kind of circle that you found yourself repeating, sit, smoke, think, sit, smoke, thing...over and over again.

Life is repetitive when you look at it, everyone wakes up, goes to work or school, come back, do their stuff, go to sleep, repeat so your situation.....wasnt that depressing and concerning.

A sudden buzz of your phone in your pocket made your body jolt in surprise, the bell rings of a notification ringing loudly in the empty silent air.

You pulled it out, your cigarette gently resting between your lips as it slowly burned away, turning it on you saw....a text....from Simon himself.


That's all it said, three letters, three letters that left your heart skyrocketing into the moon and your pulse picking up like you just started running a marathon.

"Hi! Why you up?"

'Hey' 'hello' 'what's up bitch'

All written and deleted before finally sending him the message that imprinted itself into your blue screen.

It was seen almost immediately after being send, quickly being lifted by his own sms that came into life.

"Was busy with stuff, why are you up?"

Simon says... ( simon henriksson x reader) Where stories live. Discover now