Chapter 16

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-Johanna's POV-

I'm numb. I need some fucking morphling. Everyone I love is dead. I need to kill Snow.

We get word that Snow is inviting the capital residents to his mansion and we decide this is the perfect time to attack. Tigress gets us dressed up in some ugly capital clothes and we go over the plan.

Katpiss and Gale will head out first, trying to get as close to the mansion as possible. They're hoping they'll be able to sneak in but I'm not optimistic. I'll be following behind them with Phillip. Anchor's foot isn't working so he has to stay behind.

The pods are supposedly deactivated but I'm not getting my hopes up. Snow is not above killing his own people.

A few minutes after Katpiss and Gale leave, I leave with Phillip. We haven't spoken much and neither of us are in a good mood. We both have sour looks on our faces and are eager for revenge. Thankfully I'm having a manic episode right now so I'm feeling un-fucking-stoppable.

We do our best to blend in with the crowd but I get a few looks from people who see the empty sleeve of my coat. We keep our heads down and avoid the peacekeepers.

Suddenly, bombs are going off and gunfire erupts. People are screaming that it's the rebels but they have horrible fucking aim. They're supposed to be shooting the peacekeepers but they keep hitting civilians. Imagine me dying from friendly fire. That's a lame way to go.

Phillip and I make it to a safer part of the crowd but there's still some people fighting. Up ahead, we see Gale getting dragged by peacekeepers and we know we're fucked. Katpiss is still moving forward which is good.

A hovercraft flies overhead and I duck, worried that they're dropping bombs. When I look up I see... parachutes? What are they doing sending sponsor gifts?

They land in the crowd ahead and suddenly explode. Phillip and I are a good distance away from the blast but we crouch on the ground and cover our heads just to be safe.

A second round of bombs goes off and we flee. Fuck that. We'll have to find another way into the mansion.

It's been a week since we took the capital. It turns out that Coin dropped the bombs that landed on a crowd of capital children. Apparently, Gale and Volts made the bombs. Fucking psychos. I do find it a bit ironic that both of Katpiss' lovers have now dropped baby bombs. One just did it more literally than the other.

Prim was injured in the blast but they think she's going to make it. That's good I guess. She's much cooler than her sister.

I'm going to visit Snow in his greenhouse where they're keeping him. I need some closure. I need to speak my mind.

"Ah, Ms. Mason," Snow states as I enter the greenhouse. "What a lovely surprise."

"I think this surprise is going to be anything but lovely," I mutter.

"What can I do for you?" he asks.

"Resurrect my friends and family," I state coldly. 

"Ms. Mason," he sighs. "If I had the power to do that I don't think I would have lost this war."
I guess he's right.

"Tell me where Amily is," I state.

"Oh, we disposed of her," Snow replies. "I would ask Dr. Holms for the exact location but unfortunately she was executed by the rebels earlier this morning."

"Fuck you," I spit. "I hope you die a painful death you sick bastard."

The guards have to carry me out before I kill him then and there.

It's been a year since Snow was killed. Katpiss ended up assassinating Coin and the crowd killed Snow. Paylor is now in charge and she surprisingly doesn't suck. She may be our first leader in a long time that isn't actively trying to kill kids.

Coin tried to propose a Hunger Games with the capital children but we shot that idea down real quick. Katpiss was able to shoot her down for real later that afternoon.

After I was allowed to leave the capital, I returned home to District 7. Annie wanted me to move to 4 but I said no. I told her I would visit but I haven't done so yet.

We never did find Amily's body but I know deep down she's not out there. We recovered what was left of Finnick's body and sent him to Anchor so he could be buried at sea in 4.

I spend my time sitting in my house in District 7. I moved out of Victors Village and to the other side of the district. I couldn't live next to Blight's empty house.

I now have 5 cats. I was told I needed therapy but cats are pretty much the same thing. I started talking to a girl and I realized that my dead friends would want me to be happy.

I have decided to continue living out of spite. This is my spiteful forever.

AN: I can't believe there's only one chapter left plus the epilogue in the series! Thank you for reading, especially if you've made it this far into the series :)

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