Chapter 3

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-Finnick's POV-

I've been here for days and they still won't let me see anyone. The only human interaction I have is my daily interrogation session with some peacekeepers. They whip me every time I tell them I don't know anything about the rebel plan and I'm really starting to question my lying abilities. I hope they're being nicer to Peeta, Amily, and Anchor.

They still won't tell me anything about Amily. It's killing me not to know if she's ok. Her wound in the arena looked pretty fatal from what I remember but maybe capital technology could fix her.

Dr. Holms enters my room with a screen and an avox brings me some water.

"You've heard of reflection therapy before, Mr. Odair. We're going to try it on you to help you recover from the events in the arena. I'm afraid your brain seems to be forgetting some key facts about the rebel plan," she tells me.

I remember Amily's post-games reflection therapy involved her watching her games and then talking about it. She claims they medicated her during that but we were never able to confirm that.

Dr. Holms switches on the screen and I can see the games. My IV is suddenly full of yellow liquid and I feel my brain becoming fuzzy. What have they put in me?

I've been doing reflection therapy for a week now and it's made me feel a lot better about everything. I haven't been able to recall any new details about the rebel plan but I have been able to remember the last few minutes of the games correctly.

The spear grazed Amily's side and didn't impale her. Thank god! I don't know why I remember it being worse than what the tape shows. I must have hit my head.

Dr. Holms says I'm making good progress but I can't see Amily until I tell her what I know of the rebel's plans. I know I shouldn't tell her but I really want to see her.

During our next session, I decide to share a little.
"I don't know much," I tell Dr. Holms, "But I know Haymitch had some wild idea that he was going to break us all out of the arena and save us. He said we had to ally with Katniss and Peeta to be rescued but I think he was lying. I think he only intended on getting Katniss and Peeta out."

"If so, then why did the rebels leave Mr. Melark in the arena?" Dr. Holms asks. Think Finnick think.

"I don't know," I tell her. "Haymitch is kinda stupid. He probably got drunk and forgot about him." Dr. Holms seems to somewhat accept this answer.

"Very well," she states. "After our session I will allow you a short visit with Ms. Tides."
I'm so excited! I finally get to see her.

After I'm loopy and done watching the video of the games, Dr. Holms wheels Amily into my room in a wheelchair.

"Amily!" I shriek and I attempt to run to her. I'm very dizzy.

"Stay back Mr. Odair," Dr. Holms commands. "She's very sick and cannot have people close to her who aren't doctors." I resign to sitting on the edge of my bed.

"How are you?" I ask her. She doesn't respond.

"Ms. Tides has been non-verbal since the games," Dr. Holms explains. "We are hoping her visits with you may help her open up."

"Haymitch never told her the plan," I tell her. "He didn't think her brain was well enough to handle it."

"I suspected as much," she sighs.

She allows me to talk to Amily for a few minutes before letting me know that she needs to go back to her room. I say goodbye and crawl back in bed. My medication is slowly wearing off and I'm sleepy.

This routine continues for what feels like weeks but Amily still won't speak. The doctor says she's sick from when Blight hit the force field but her side has healed from the spear. She's still in a wheelchair and doesn't move when I talk to her. She seems really broken.

They've stopped whipping me but I think they're hurting Anchor and Peeta. I can hear their screams every night and they sound horrible. I would call out to them but the peacekeepers will threaten me with their tasers if I attempt any communication. At least I don't hear Amily screaming. Maybe they're being nice to her.

AN: What do y'all think so far? I feel like fics with Finnick being captured are somewhat rare so I wanted to give y'all something different. Johanna POV up next :)

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