Chapter 10

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-Johanna's POV-

They've allowed me to start combat training again. I can't shoot guns with my one arm but I can still throw axes. Volts said he'd make me a bionic arm when we overtake the capital. I'm gonna look fucking sick.

Katpiss also joins us some days. Her throat looks normal again so she clearly hasn't visited Peeta recently. Gale is also usually there and I heard Anchor and Phillip are going to be joining us soon.

Volts says they're having me train to get my agression out but I know we're being sent off to war. Does he think I'm fucking stupid? I would be mad at Coin for using the victors again but I want to kill Snow more than anything. If this is a free ride to the capital then sign me up!

I've visited Finnick a few times now. He's still in denial. All I can hope is we locate Amily's body when we overtake the capital so he can finally have closure. They really fucked with his head.

Thirteen has a super lame and boring routine but today I have an impromptu meeting in the command center. If this is thirteen's definition of "spicing things up" then they're worse than I thought. They won't even let couples room together before marriage. I'm living with Katpiss and it took some convincing for Coin to believe we are not a lesbian couple. I don't even think lesbians are allowed in thirteen.

I arrive at the command center and am greeted by all of the "sane" victors (aka everyone except Finnick and Peeta) as Well as Plutarch, Boggs, Gale, and Snow 2.0.

"Thank you all for joining us," she states. "This week our troops will overtake the nut in District 2. After this we will be sending squads to the capital for our final assault."

"What the fuck is the nut?" I ask, eliciting a few giggles.

"Ms. Mason," Snow 2.0 glares. "The nut is a fortified mountain military base in District 2 where the capital has stockpiled the majority of their weapons and military machinery. By taking the nut we will be effectively disarming the capital."

Continuing on, she states, "Katniss has agreed to go to District 2 tomorrow to help rally the remaining loyalists against Snow. The rest of you will be completing an evaluation at the end of the week to see if you are combat ready. We would like as many of you involved in the fight as possible."

Some of the victors look peeved and others look eager to fight.

"What's in it for us?" I ask.

"A free Panem," Snow 2.0 states. I know that if she's in charge we will definitely not be getting that. I guess I better start preparing for war.

Later on in the day, it's announced that District 13 will be hosting the wedding of Annie and Trent the day before they ship off troops to the capital. Plutarch thinks it will make good propaganda footage. Annie has asked me to be a bridesmaid and I reluctantly comply. I'll be in the ugly grey jumpsuit but at least I don't have to wear a dress. Also I won't be dressed up as a tree for once.

The rest of the week is spent preparing for our eval. They'd be stupid not to let me fight. Sure, I'm missing an arm and I'm a bit insane but I'm a good fighter and I can run for hours on nothing but adrenaline. They're not going to let Finnick or Peeta take the eval, which is good. Neither of them should be anywhere near the capital.

Volts has made us all special weapons. My axe comes back to my hand when I call for it so I can throw it without having to fetch it. Anchor's spear can shoot fire and can collapse into the palm of his hand. Phillip uses a sword that also collapses and the blade can secrete poison that can melt peacekeepers' armor. Katpiss has a bow (predictable) and Gale has a crossbow. It's like he wants to be a cooler version of Katpiss so badly. It's cringe.

Volts did show me the trident he made for Finnick in the hopes he would recover enough to fight, but we both think that's unlikely. It will probably go unused but it's a cool trident. 

The day of the eval has arrived and I'm nervous. I'm usually not the type to get nervous but apparently they're going to be testing your greatest fears. I zone out until they call my name and I enter the room. This reminds me too much of the evals before the games.

The simulation starts off easy. I have to get through a series of obstacles without getting shot by peacekeepers. I'm a little less nimble without my arm but I make it through without being shot.
Next I have to disarm a trap set out by the capital. I throw my axe between two pillars and they both erupt into flames. I call my axe back but it slightly burns my hand as it got hot from the flames. I ignore it and continue.

Finally, I'm onto the last part of the eval. Peacekeepers appear and they're holding someone hostage. They tell me to freeze and I comply. I know I should run and not let myself get captured but I can't. They're holding Jena...
I fled and had to watch my sister die all over again. Stupid fucking Coin is just as bad as Snow, recreating my sister dying for a stupid test. I passed because I fled and escaped but at what cost? My own sanity?

AN: OK, but can we all agree that President Coin gave off extreme homophobic vibes in the trilogy. She also gave off closeted gay vibes though

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