Chapter 13

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-Finnick's POV-

I'm finally in the capital! I can't believe they let me out. The rest of my squad doesn't seem happy that I'm here but that's ok. I won't be with them for long.

They have me handcuffed to one of the crew members. The chain is long enough for them to do their job but not long enough for me to strangle them and make an escape. I need to get to the hospital. She has to be there.

We walk through the desolate streets of the capital, stepping over rubble and bodies. I keep having to pause to rest as I'm very out of shape. I should have exercised more in thirteen. Although, I couldn't leave my room so any exercise would have been me pacing around my bed.

We keep stopping to check for these "pods". Johanna explained to me that they're traps like ones in the arena. It's a good thing we have Boggs' device.

Boggs stops us when he finds a pod. The camera crew puts makeup on us so they can film us. It's annoying.

Gale shoots his crossbow between two pillars and the alley erupts in gunfire. The crew member I'm tethered to yanks me behind a wall to protect me. Luckily, none of us got shot but the camera people made us recreate our reactions to it.
They only film my face as they don't want to show my handcuffs. Apparently I'm a "flight risk".

We continue walking until we come across a courtyard with a pod in it. We carefully detonate it and flamethrowers appear out of nowhere. It was hot but nobody was burned. The camera crew film a few shots before we continue on.

Suddenly, there's an explosion and I'm yanked to the ground. When I get back up, I can see Boggs laying on the ground, minus his legs. I have to look away and instinctively wait for the sound of a cannon.

Someone else sets off another pod and the courtyard begins to fill with black goo. I'm yanked forward and told to run up into one of the apartment buildings.

Peeta tries to kill Katniss and the crew member I'm attached to has to pull him off of her. Peeta pushes him back and he's yanked up into a net with spikes on it. I'm dangling in the air by my arm but I'm not in the net.

"Let me out!" I scream. Anchor comes running to me with the key and manages to pull me down. Thankfully he's fast but my arm is dislocated.
We run into the apartment and climb up the stairs to the top floor where the goo can't reach us.

Anchor has to set my arm in place and they make me a makeshift sling. The rest of the squad starts fighting over the holo and I decide it's the perfect time to make a run for it.

I slowly back away into one of the bedrooms before opening a window that leads to an alleyway behind the house. It will be hard to get down with only one arm but I need to channel my inner Johanna.

I start scaling down the exterior wall. It's only three floors up and there's some good grips. I'm about halfway down when I hear people shouting my name. I need to go faster!

I get down to the first floor and jump the remaining distance to the ground. I look up to see Anchor looking down at me from the window and I bolt down the alley. I need to get away.
Unfortunately, Anchor and Gale are much faster at scaling a building than me and they quickly catch up. It also doesn't help that I'm out of shape. Anchor gets close enough to stick a needle into me and I pass out.

AN: Poor Finnick :(

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