Chapter 5

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-Finnick's POV-

"Good morning Mr. Odair," Dr. Holms chimes as she enters my room. I'm super groggy from the yellow medicine they keep giving me and I can't remember the last time I ate.

"Unfortunately, Amily has taken a turn for the worse," she states.

"What?" I ask, barely comprehending what she is saying.

"She's going to require extensive treatment, which we could give her, but only if you cooperate," she tells me.

"Cooperate?" I ask.

"Where are the rebels hiding?" she asks.

"How do I know you will treat her if I tell you?" I counter.

"I will allow you to watch the treatment if you tell us," she states.

"Right now?" I ask.

"Yes Mr. Odair," she sighs. "Now, where are the rebels hiding?"

"District 13," I tell her immediately.

"Thank you," she states. "Follow me."

I'm escorted by guards down a series of winding hallways. They have me handcuffed so I can't run away. Why would I run away without Amily? She needs to stay here for treatment so I'm staying too.

We come to what appears to be a medical area and I'm ushered into a room with a one way mirror looking into Amily's treatment room. The doctor tells me I can't go inside cause they can't contaminate the treatment area but they let me sit and watch.

She's stiff and not moving but I think they're injecting some sort of medication in her. The doctor tells me the medication suppresses her nervous system so it can heal. She looks sick but mostly just pale. She was always tan in District 4 but the capital has turned her skin an ashy grey color.

When I get back to my room, I'm given more medication before my prep team comes in. They tell me I'm doing an interview with Caesar Flickerman so they have to get me ready. They cake a shit ton of makeup on me and dress me in nice looking clothes that itch the whip scabs on my back.

I'm led through more confusing hallways until we reach a fancy looking room. Inside sits Caesar Flickerman and President Snow, along with the production crew.

"Mr. Odair," the President states. "Are you ready for your interview?"

"Yes," I state. Why am I talking without my brain telling me to?

"Very well," the president sighs. "We're live in 30 seconds."

I take a seat next to Caesar and the interview commences.

"Finnick! My boy!" Caesar excitedly exclaims. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing well Caesar," I compulsively state. It's like I'm vomiting words. "How about yourself?"

"Just splendid!" Caesar replies. "Now tell me, what was the last night in the arena like? We're all dying to know what happened."

"Well I was with the alliance at the lightning tree," I explain. "We were trying to follow Beetee's plan to electrocute the careers. It was going well until Enobaria found Katniss and Johanna. I ran to help them but only found Katniss. We went back to the tree where Beetee, Amily, and Peeta were and then Brutus appeared. He grazed Amily with his spear but I was able to kill him. Then, the arena blew up and I woke up here in the capital."

"Wow quite an exciting tale!" exclaims Caesar. "Now did you know about the bigger rebel plan to escape the arena?"

"No," I respond. Thank god the drugs are letting me lie. "If I had known of it I would have made sure that Amily and I steered clear of them. It wasn't a safe plan."

"Now Amily," Caesar states in a more calm tone. "It's seems like there may be some romance there. Care to elaborate?"

"She's the love of my life," I sigh and Caesar urges me to tell him more. "She's my soulmate and I hope when we defeat the rebels I can finally marry her."

"Ooh a capital wedding!" Caesar exclaims. "How is she doing?"

"She's been a bit sick since her time in the arena," I reply. "But she's getting the best treatment possible here in the capital. The doctors have been nothing but wonderful and we expect her to make a full recovery."

"That's splendid!" states Caesar. "Last question Mr. Odair before we have to wrap up our interview. Do you have anything to say to the rebels?"

I feel my brain buzzing. The word vomit is coming.

"They should stop," I blurt out. "They should all stop. They're causing unnecessary violence."

"Thank you Mr. Odair," Caesar states and the interview ends. I'm led back to my room and sedated again.

AN: next chapter out later!

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