Authors Note

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Welcome to the fourth and final book of the Peaceful Forever series!

This is my first long story so please bear with me through this adventure, and thank you for bearing with me through the firsts three books. I love reading all of of the comments you leave :)

I'll be posting 1-2 chapters a day for this book. I've already finished writing it so it will be completed!

Also I have not currently written any one shots but I'm down to write some that take place during Book 2 of this series. Comment here with any requests (example: more jar activities). I write pretty much anything so put in any requests.

Please understand that this series is DARK. There will be a lot of very intense themes and topics covered throughout. I've honestly been using it kind of as a way to heal from some things in my own life, so if you are not in the right headspace for certain topics, I am completely fine if you decide to sit this one out. This book is rated 18+ and is for mature audiences only.

I will provide individual trigger warnings for each chapter, but here is a list of some of the major triggering topics that this series has/will touch on:
-Gore/murder/torture (it's the Hunger Games)
-Non-consensual sexual acts
-Heavy mental health topics including PTSD, self harm, EDs, alcoholism, dissociative episodes, and probably more
-Death and sadness

Now for the good parts. This series is a Finnick Odair love story with my original character Amily Tides. If you haven't read the previous three books, please read them before this one. They're on my page.


This book has some really sad parts but please see it all the way through. Amily and Finnick do have a happy ending despite what many chapters may lead you to believe. I won't spoil the ending but I promise you this book isn't completely depressing.

I don't have a set length for any of my chapters. Some will be really long, and others may be on the shorter end. This series is a long read but this is one of the shorter books, with a similar length to Book 1. This book covers everything from just after Katniss blows up the quarter quell arena through after the rebellion.

I've decided to play around with perspectives and highlight different characters' point of views throughout the book, with this book mainly focusing on Finnick and Johanna.

If you don't follow me on Tumblr, you should as I plan on posting some behind-the-scenes posts about the process of writing this story. I currently have a 13 page document where I've planned out a lot and give a bit more depth to some of the characters I write for, so I plan on posting those over on Tumblr. My tumblr is @avoxrising

Please note that I do not own any of the original series characters as those belong to the lovely Suzanne Collins. I've taking the liberty of giving depth to some of her characters, but I have done my best to keep it as canon as possible. The story will be pretty canon compliant overall, but obviously I want to make it my own story and not directly copy the plot line of the original series.

Anyways I hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think of the story as you read through it.

The first chapter will be out tomorrow 8/6/23.

<3 AR

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