Chapter 7

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-Finnick's POV-

How long have I been here? Months? Days? I don't know when Anchor and Peeta stopped screaming. They stopped letting me see Amily and instead I have nightly visits from clients. I feel absolutely disgusting and haven't showered since I got here. An avox will occasionally come and hose me down but it does nothing to rid me of the feeling of my clients touching me.

Dr. Holms keeps telling me that Amily is still being treated but I'm scared. Why aren't they letting me see her? Is she ok?

As I'm stuck in my thoughts for the 100th time, the power suddenly cuts out. Are we under attack? Have the evil rebels found us? What's happening?

I hear loud footsteps from outside and I crawl to the back of my cell. I'm not sure who is making the noise but I'm terrified. There's now a white smoke coming into the room from under the door and I'm panicking now. They're here to kill us.

My door is opened and a gas canister is thrown inside my room. I scream but it's filling up my lungs too quickly. Why am I sleepy?

I wake up on a hovercraft and start to hyperventilate. I've been kidnapped! They're going to throw me back into the arena. I have to escape!

Noticing my alertness, I'm approached by a tall dude who kinda looks like Katniss.

"Finnick you need to relax," he tells me, which doesn't make me relax at all.

He crouches down to where I am on the floor.
"We are taking you to District 13. The capital's power cut out and we were able to rescue you. My name is Gale. I'm a friend of Katniss," he states.

"Rescue?" I ask, trying to comprehend the situation.

"Yes," Gale replies. "We were able to rescue you, Peeta and Anchor." I quickly look around and see them passed out on the floor next to me.

"Where's Amily?" I ask, starting to panic again.

"We were unable to locate her," he sighs. "She was not being held prisoner in the tribute center. Our mission was to get out the alive victors. Unfortunately, we did not have time to search for her remains. We only had a few minutes to get the three of you out."

"Remains?" I ask, confused. "No she's alive. I had visits with her every few days and watched her get treated in the hospital. We need to go back. Please! We can't leave her." I'm full on sobbing now.

"You abandoned her. They're going to hurt her. We have to go back. We have to..."
I feel a needle stick me in my neck and I lose consciousness.

I wake up in a hospital room. I'm hooked up to a bunch of machines and a blonde girl is sitting in my room. I recognize her as Katniss' sister.

"How are you feeling?" she asks me.

"We have to go back," I tell her. "We have to get her out."

Prim lets out a long sigh. "Finnick, you are in shock right now. We need you to rest and recover before we can discuss any options we have."

"No I can't rest!" I shout. "I have to go find her!"

"Get some sleep," she tells me and I pass out again.

AN: Poor Finnick :( Do you think they'll get Amily back?

Peaceful Forever [Book 4]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz